Residents Are Restless, Civil Servants Of The DKI Transportation Agency Are Still Wandering Even Though They Have Been Reported For Allegations Of Sexual Harassment

JAKARTA - A child predator with the status of a Civil Servant (PNS) who is still roaming residential areas in the Cempaka Baru area, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta, is considered to be disturbing to local residents. In fact, the perpetrator with the initials RT has been reported to the Central Jakarta Metro Police.

"Actually, residents are already restless. Residents hope that the perpetrators will be processed immediately, they will be quickly arrested by the police," said S, a resident around the scene of the incident to VOI, Tuesday, January 2.

S also said that the perpetrator's actions had been carried out repeatedly. So that residents are afraid that later their children will become victims of sexual crimes by the perpetrators.

"Hopefully it will be processed quickly. Residents are afraid that it will happen to our children, or if there are other victims? That's the problem, (the perpetrator's house) is close to the residents' houses," he said.

S said the track record of the perpetrators in cases of crimes against children had also occurred.

"It turns out that the perpetrator once had the same case as this," said S.

Previously, it was reported that the Central Jakarta Metro Police PPA Unit had not arrested an individual Civil Servant (PNS) of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Service (Dishub) with the initials RT who was suspected of molesting a girl with the initials AAP (11) at the perpetrator's house in the Cempaka Baru area, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

"Not yet (arrested), it is still in the process of being investigated," said Head of PPA Central Jakarta Police, Iptu Ari Muratno to VOI, Tuesday, January 2, 2024, afternoon.

The Central Jakarta Metro Police PPA Unit has also not conducted a crime scene (TKP) even though the victim and her parents have made a police report at the Central Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters on December 15, 2023.