5 Lengkuas Benefits For Health, Good For Fertility And Prevent Infection

YOGYAKARTA Lengkuas is often seen in dishes whose appearance is difficult to distinguish from meat slices. Lengkuas is a root, native to South Asia, but many and easy to grow in Indonesia. This spill is the same as ginger and turmeric which are both used in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

Lengkuas refers to the Zingiberaceae family, the most widely used is small enveloping, or Alphonia officinarum. In addition to being a spice in food, in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, angkuas is also used to cure certain diseases, because it is believed to help treat infection, reduce inflammation, increase male fertility, and even fight various types of cancer. The following explains what are the main benefits of adequate health.

Agile roots rich in antioxidants that help fight disease and protect cells from destructive free radicals. Polyphenol compounds are antioxidants that are useful for increasing memory and lowering blood sugar and cholesterol.

Polifenol is also considered to protect mental reduction, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. However, strong conclusions cannot be drawn because thorough research is needed on the content of polyphenols in the absorption and specific benefits related to consumption doses.

Reaction tube research shows that active compounds in lengkuas are known as gelangin. Launching Healthline, Sunday, December 24, galangin active compounds can kill cancer cells or prevent their spread. More specifically, there is research that highlights the ability of spices to kill two cancer cells in the human intestines. Other studies examined and showed that this spice can fight breast cancer cells, bile ducts, skin, and liver.

Research conducted in 2014 by scientists from the University of Medical Sciences, Iran, found that enveloping potential benefits related to male fertility. Research that is still being carried out on these animals, provides a straightforward extract on mice. Laboratory research results show the number and motility of sperm increased. Other studies were conducted on 66 men for 3 months with low sperm quality. They were asked to take supplements containing a lenggras and extract of Goodminton fruit. Participants experienced a 63 percent increase in sperm motility compared to controlled groups.

Agile roots can reduce inflammation of disease causes because they contain HMPs. The content is a natural phytochemical that in the research of reaction tubes and animals, has strong anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, plants from the Zingiberaceae family, including enveloping, slightly help reduce pain which is a common symptom of inflammation.

Research conducted by elama 6 weeks in 261 people with knee osteoarthritis, 63 percent of those who consumed ginger and enveloping extract reported a decrease in knee pain while standing.

Atsiri oil extracted from a lengkuas root can fight various microorganisms. Lengkuas can also extend the life of certain food storage. In addition, enveloping in cooking also reduces the risk of vibrosis, or infection caused by eating undercooked shells.

Research has also shown the immediate benefits of killing harmful microorganisms, including E.coli, Staphyloccocus aureus, and Salmonella Typhi. Other studies show that enclave can protect so that it is not easily moldy, yeast, and captivated by parasites.

Those are the five main benefits for health. You can take advantage of the absorption in addition to cooking spices, you can also get the benefits through the above references.