7 Tips For Regulating The Mood So That The Eating Pattern Is Not A Mess

YOGYAKARTA The end of the year may be tiring for many people. The accumulation of jobs or responsibilities paid off in the previous days, makes you feel tired and the mood messy. In addition to waiting for holidays, it is important to start setting the mood so as not to interfere with your diet.

A bad mood is associated with a messy diet. This situation may be unavoidable, but can be overcome. Stress in the run-up to the holidays increases levels of adrenaline and cortisol so that it interferes with sleep, is easily anxious and offended, and increases appetite. To prevent this and start controlling the mood, follow the following tips.

Tells about how you feel to those closest to you is quite helpful. This makes you feel not alone and bear the burden without sharing it with your loved ones. So it's important to manage expectations and not take more responsibility than you can do. You can also prioritize events you like the most.

For those of you who live in the northern hemisphere, you will experience short metabolic work following the short sunlight of the sun. For that, fewer lunch times and longer dinners. So the tips are launching Psychology Today, Friday, December 22, try the lightest dinner menu. Eat hard at noon only once. Or live 16 hours of intermittent fasting and breakfast early.

Every morning, get out and bask in the sun for at least 20 minutes to help regulate your biological clock. Less exposed to sunlight, body energy weakens and vitamin D production is getting less and less. Vitamin D, in addition to being good for hormones and fighting oxidative stress, also prevents experiencing bone problems and problems in the brain.

Enter your diet, foods high in vitamin D3, including fatty fish, egg yolk, and liver. You can also take vitamin D3 supplements every day 2000 IU. Professional tips, if you experience overweight, insulin resistance, dark skin, and are pregnant, may require 4000 IU every day.

You need regular exercise to adjust your mood so that your diet doesn't mess up. Try to exercise every day. Tips, muscle building exercises such as endurance training are a way of saving and being effective in improving metabolic health compared to aerobics, jogging. This is because muscles that work absorb blood glucose such as sponges do not require insulin.

Regarding snacks during holidays, sweet foods will definitely be served a lot. Such as pastries, candy, pies, and ginger bread. This not only causes high insulin levels and insulin resistance. But it also increases inflammation and oxidative stress which also damages the mood. So it is important to be selective and mindful eating to limit eating sweet foods.

Next tip, make the whole food minimally processed to meet the body's needs. These foods include meat, vegetables, seafood, poultry, eggs, nuts, and fruits. If you enjoy the high-carbo food served at an important event, commit to returning to the health plan the next day.

In addition to choosing healthy foods, it is also important to drink drinks that are not risky. Instead of drinking lots of wine or other alcoholic beverages. It is better to choose mineral water, tea, or coffee that can be drunk without sugar or other mixtures that endanger health.

Those are tips on setting the mood so that your diet doesn't fall apart. It's important to remember, vacations can be very fun. But you need to keep your diet under control as well as your mood.