Throughout 2023, 511 Were Exposed And 9 Of Them Died In The DHF Case In Belitung

The BeLITUNG - Health Office of Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, recorded the number of cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in the area until the second week of December 2023 reached 511 cases. "As of December 15, the number of dengue cases in Belitung is 511 people," said the Head of the Belitung Health Office, Drg Dian Farida in Tanjung Pandan, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 19. This was conveyed in the Hearing Meeting (RDP) with the Belitung DPRD regarding the increase in cases of DHF in the area. He said, while the death rate of the DHD cases in the regions had reached nine people. "The death rate of DBD was initially eight people but a few days ago increased by one person, the last one of the children aged six years," he said. According to him, the increase in the number of DHD cases in the area was caused by a number of factors including the transition conditions from dry to rainy. In addition, another factor is the low public awareness in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment around the area of residence in the current weather conditions. "One of the factors that triggers the increase in the case of DHD is the rainy weather conditions or the phase of the transition season," he said. The Belitung Health Office together with health centers and hospitals have taken a number of steps and actions to prevent the transmission of DHD one of them is vector control. "DBD is transmitted by mosquitoes so we have to carry out vector control. This is also the main activity including carrying out disease surveillance surveillance," he said. Dinkes Belitung lowers the disease investigation team (PE) to investigate cases of dengue fever based on reports received from the public. "If the report is accepted, we immediately lower the team to carry out a case investigation. This team the task of finding other patients with symptoms of dengue fever, in addition to the activities of DHD such as fever, "he said. Although there is actually a PPN activity.

He invites the community to maintain cleanliness in the environment around the residence by eradicating nests or laying eggs on mosquitoes and burying unused used goods. "DHF is a disease caused by the bite of aedes aegypti mosquitoes, so efforts are made to avoid mosquito bites. The other way is to keep the environment clean by eradicating the place where mosquitoes lay their eggs," he said.