Park Geun-Hye Becomes South Korea's First Female President In Memory Of Today, 19 December 2012

JAKARTA Memories of today, 11 years ago, December 19, 2012, Park Geun-Hye was elected President of South Korea (South Korea). His success in the 2012 presidential election shocked the whole world. Everything is because Geun-Hye is the first female president of Ginseng Country.

Previously, Geun-Hye was known as the son of the Father of Economy and the dictator of South Korea, Park Chung-Hee. His father's popularity is held throughout the country. Park's figure is hailed as the best president who has ever led South Korea, even a dictator.

Park Geun-Hye's father, Park Chung-Hee is not new to the South Korean political map. Park is the number one figure in South Korea who is able to increase the lives of its people. The economic growth in the Park era has increased.

South Korean industries are growing. The success was followed by a series of pro-people developments. In fact, touching the villages. The bad side of Park's leadership is also not small. He perpetuates a repressive government.

Anyone who perpetuates criticism will be dealt with firmly. In fact, kidnapping and torturing the opponents of halal politics for him. This condition angered the people of South Korea. He was labeled a dictator. Then many people wanted Park to take Park's life. From the people of South Korea to North Korea (North Korea).

Take, for example, an attempted murder of him that failed in 1974. However, the missed bullet left his wife dead. Park could only be killed a few years later.

Park was killed by the head of South Korean spies who were not satisfied with his leadership. This condition made his son, Geun-Hye lament sadness. Geun-Hye tries to withdraw from politics. However, he did not feel at home for long. He also began to perpetuate his political career following in his father's footsteps.

Geun-Hye's political career was born from a family tragedy. His mother was killed by North Korean agents in 1974. At that time Geun-Hye was 22 years old and became a student in Paris. Five years later, his father was killed by South Korean spy chiefs who were dissatisfied. He also took a break from politics. Moreover, at that time his father was vilified a lot as a dictator."

He returned to the political stage in 1998 with an oath to save the country. At that time South Korea was struggling with the Asian financial crisis. People who supported his father then switched to supporting Geun-Hye to sit on South Korea's parliament. Since then his reputation as a politician has skyrocketed, "explained Choe Sang-Hun in his writing on The New York Times page entitledEx-Dictator's Daughter Elected President as South Korea Rejects Sharp Change (2012).

Geun-Hye also became a lucky politician. The South Korean side felt that there was no one who led the Ginseng Country as good as Geun-Hye's father. This narrative made the people of South Korea fully support Geun-Hye's political steps.

Take for example when Geun-Hye entered the 2012 Pilres political contestation. The majority of the South Korean people then elected her as President. He also got a majority vote of more than 51 percent on December 19, 2012. This victory made Geun-Hye the first female president of South Korea. She was sworn in in February 2013.

With more than 70% of the votes calculated, Geun-Hye took the lead with 51.6 percent, while his only rival, Moon Jae-in, got 48 percent, according to the national election commission. Images on TV show Park surrounded by supporters waving flags outside his home in Gangnam district, Seoul, as it is clear that he has fended off Moon's attacks.

He then thanked his staff before making a brief appearance in front of many people in downtown Seoul. His victory, he said, is a sign that the country's economy will recover, "said Justin McCurry in his writing on The Guardian's page entitled Park Geun-hye becomes South Korea's first female president (2012).