Scary Momok, 380 Cadres Alerted To Face Malaria In Jayapura

SENTANI - The Jayapura Regency Government, Papua involved approximately 380 cadres to handle malaria cases in 139 villages and five sub-districts in the area. Head of the Jayapura District Health Office Khairul Lie when contacted by ANTARA in Sentani, Sunday, December 17, said the latest data recorded that the number of people affected by malaria in their area reached 47,443 cases. Malaria is a frightening scourge because it is in the first place of 10 major diseases that are a priority for handling in the health office," he said. According to Khairul, in 2021 malaria figures were recorded at approximately 24,000 cases because at that time his party trained malaria cadres in 139 villages and five local villages. We involve all of the village people, there are 380 more cadres, so count each village there are two to three cadres to jointly eradicate malaria, "he said.

"In 2022 the number of malaria cases increases so that it becomes an important note on how cadres continue to be improved so that cases can be suppressed and handled properly. "We hope that by finding the source of transmission it means that transmission can be overcome so that cases can decrease," he said.