Reviewing Batam Market, Trade Minister Reveals Chili Is Cheap Due To Melimah Harvest In Mataram, Aceh To Medan

JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan alias Zulhas ensured that the supply of basic commodities in Batam City, Riau Islands was sufficient ahead of the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year celebrations.

After reviewing the Tos 3000 Main Market in Batam City, Sunday, 2024 Zulkifli said the supply of basic commodities, especially for chili commodities, was widely available in the market.

"Caye is now 'flooded' [excessive], yesterday the average was IDR 120 thousand, now the average is IDR 40 thousand, the most expensive is IDR 50 thousand. So chili has been harvested both from Mataram, as well as from Aceh or Medan, the price is already cheap," said Zulhas, quoted by Antara.

In addition to chili commodities, he said that the price of fresh chicken is also affordable, which is IDR 30 thousand/kg.

According to him, in Batam City all commodity prices for basic commodities are below the national price.

"If prices go down, it means that supply is abundant, there are many supplies, such as chilies, chickens and others. Christmas-New Year's supply of basic commodities is safe, the supply is more, so prices go down, in Batam it is also safe (supply)," he said.

Head of the Batam City Industry and Trade Office, Gustian Riau, said that towards the end of the year, his party had made various efforts to reduce the price of staple commodities that could potentially increase, by carrying out low-cost market operations, subsidized basic food programs, and conducting inter-regional cooperation (KAD).

"Alhamdulillah, before entering the Christmas-New Year period there was a formulation regarding the basic needs that we carried out, namely cheap basic necessities we carried out every month, then market operations. We also carried out cooperation between regions, strengthened so that we could cover basic commodities, and low prices," said Gustian.