Commitment To Implementing Sustainable Business, Bank DKI Wins CSR Award IDX Channel 2023

JAKARTA - Bank DKI's active steps in supporting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) through the implementation of the Jakarta Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program for the Hydroponic Cooperative (JAKONIK), are again appreciated by winning an award from the IDX Channel as the CSR Category Economic Development Initiatives Program.

The award was handed over directly by the Director of Infrastructure Development and Information Management of PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia, Dharma Setyadi at the 2023 CSR IDX Channel Award titled Enhancing CSR Strategy To Drive Impactful Transformation which was held in Jakarta on Tuesday 12 December.

Director of Technology and Operations concurrently Acting President Director, Amirul Wicaksono said that as a Regional Development Bank (BPD), Bank DKI also plays a role as a facilitator of community growth and economic equality in DKI Jakarta.

"Bank DKI has a special focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives that aim to empower local communities and have a positive impact on welfare and improve quality of life," said Amirul.

Furthermore, Amirul explained that Jakarta's Hydroponic Cooperative (JAKONIK) is the flagship CSR program of Bank DKI which has been implemented since 2014. This program involves the active participation of the community in developing hydroponic plantations based on community empowerment. Currently, JAKONIK already has 9 groups of members spread across 9 flats in Jakarta.

JAKONIK members have been provided with training and assistance to maximize crop yields and hydroponic business management from upstream to downstream, with the scope of roles as hydroponic marketing centers, hydroponic business mentoring centers, education service providers, facilities and infrastructure providers such as fertilizers, seeds and equipment.

The 2023 CSR IDX Channel Award is a form of appreciation from the IDX Channel to companies that have shown superior and consistent CSR performance. Some of the indicators that are used as assessment criteria, consist of 3 main aspects, namely compliance aspects of ISO 26000 regarding social responsibility, Good Corporate Governance aspects, and aspects of the alignment of the CSR program with business strategy and competitiveness.

The theme titled Enhancing CSR Strategy To Drive Impactful Transformation aims to give appreciation to companies that have implemented CSR initiatives that have an impact on business, society and the environment during the economic improvement period.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi added that CSR's success can be seen from the benefits generated for the community.

"As Bank DKI's leading CSR, JAKONIK is expected to provide significant benefits for the surrounding community by improving the quality of life of the community and empowering the local economy. Jakonik's success has proven to be able to help reduce social inequality and improve the quality of life as a whole," said Arie.

One of the CSR programs and a tangible form of support in empowering MSMEs in DKI Jakarta, Bank DKI together with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government have also inaugurated the MSME Village in Pramuka Island, Thousand Islands. In its implementation, Bank DKI is rearranging with a digitalization approach through the JakOne Abank application, and JakOne Merchant for temporary locations (loksem) for MSME traders.

Through this program, Bank DKI hopes to increase the understanding and financial inclusion of local communities, as well as visitors to the Thousand Islands.