Causes Of Lemas Body After Swimming, Bad Muscles And Feeling Sleepy

YOGYAKARTA - Swimming is a water sport that is favored by various groups, both children and adults. Besides being beneficial for physical fitness, swimming also makes the mind fresher. However, usually after swimming, the body will feel weak to aches. So what causes the body to weakness after swimming?

Although swimming is very fun and fun, many people complain about the condition of their weak and sleepy body after swimming. Instead of getting fresh, but feeling sleepy and sore after swimming. For those of you who often experience this, it is important to know the cause of the body's weakness after swimming.

Swimming is often used as an activity to refresh from work activities and fill off time. The body that comes into contact and is submerged in water does provide a refreshing sensation. However, after swimming and returning home, many people feel weak and sleepy.

Here are some factors that cause the body to become weak and sleepy after swimming:

Swimming requires you to move the main muscles on the body. While swimming, a number of muscles in your body will work from the muscles of the stomach, bisep, trisep, thighs, hips, to the legs.

Whatever swimming style you do, all the main muscles on the body will be involved. Even the muscles of the shoulders, back muscles, and chest muscles also work when you do a swimming movement.

The use of your body's main muscles is one of the causes of weakness after swimming. In addition, the effect can also make your body sore and feel sleepy. Even though when the body is in the pool it feels comfortable and refreshing, after finishing swimming the body just feels tired and sleepy.

In addition to using the main muscles, swimming also makes the muscles in your body work harder. This condition is a factor that causes your body to feel weak to aches after swimming.

Especially if you swim in a pool that is deep enough and for a long time. When swimming in the deep pool, the body will experience greater pressure so that it forces the muscles to work extra against the floating style. Likewise, when you swim for a long time, the muscles in the body can be exhausted because they are actively moving continuously.

Swimming is an aerobic sport or sporting activity involving breathing work. This exercise requires considerable energy because muscles have been moving intensely for some time. So, when doing this exercise, the energy you spend is not small.

The swimming movement drains quite a lot of energy because you need to move freely and move from place to place. In addition, the body muscles must fight the heavy water floating style and work for a long time. So, don't be surprised if you feel tired and sleepy after swimming. This condition is a natural thing because your energy is used up to swim.

Another factor that can cause the body to become weak and sleepy after swimming is the temperature of the pool water. Pool temperature can affect drowsiness after swimming. Cold water can make the muscles tense due to lack of blood supply.

When the muscles are tense due to the influence of the cold temperature of the swimming pool, your body must work harder to raise temperature again. Meanwhile, warm water will make the body temperature increase. The high body temperature can cause tired and sleepy effects after swimming.

In addition to water temperature, the content of the caporite in the swimming pool can also cause the body to feel tired after swimming. The use of this caporite is done to maintain the clarity and cleanliness of the swimming pool. This chemical content can affect the function of the lungs so that your breathing will be problematic and your body will become tired.

Those are some of the causes of the body's weakness after swimming. In addition to feeling tired in the body, you can also experience soreness and easily sleepy after swimming. Also read the article how to take a long breath while swimming.

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