Judge Rejects Exception Of Former Makassar Customs Chief Andhi Pramono Defendant Of Gratification Rp58.9 Billion
JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the Corruption Court (Tipikor) at the Central Jakarta District Court (PN) rejected an objection note from the defendant, former head of the Makassar Customs and Excise Office, South Sulawesi, Andhi Pramono in a case of alleged corruption receiving gratuities.
"Declaring that the objection note from the attorney and defendant Andhi Pramono cannot be accepted," said Chief Judge Djuyamto when reading the interlocutory verdict during the trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 13.
Furthermore, the panel of judges ordered the public prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to continue the case of the defendant Andhi Pramono.
"Ordered the public prosecutor to be able to continue the case Number 109/Pid.Sus-TPK/2023/PN Jkt.Pst on behalf of the defendant Andhi Pramono, based on the indictment of the public prosecutor," added Djuyamto.
Judge Djuyamto said the trial was postponed and resumed on Wednesday (20/12) with the agenda of proof. To the Panel of Judges, the Public Prosecutor said he would present 58 witnesses in the trial.
"Without reducing your rights in an effort to prove your indictment, you must also be able to sort witnesses who can be reduced, reduce, and present witnesses who are truly relevant to the indictment," said Djuyamto.
With the plan to have dozens of witnesses from the prosecutor, Djuyamto said that at least five witnesses could be presented at the next one trial.
"Because there are 58 witnesses, we say in a trial once a week, at least in one trial, Brother (JPU) must be able to present five witnesses," added Djuyamto.
Previously, Andhi Pramono's attorney, Edhhi Sutarto, said that the alleged corruption in the form of gratification received by his client did not relate to his position as a high-ranking official in Customs and Excise, Ministry of Finance.
"The receipt of the gratuity has nothing to do with the position of recipient as a civil servant or state administrator," said Edhhi Sutarto when reading the exception at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Jakarta, Wednesday (29/11).
According to Eddhi, the position held by Andhi does not have the capacity to take care of customs, as charged by the KPK prosecutor.
He also said his client only carried out business cooperation related to exports and imports without involving the status of the defendant as a state civil servant (ASN).
The KPK prosecutor charged Andhi Pramono with receiving gratuities totaling Rp58.9 billion.
For his actions, Andhi Pramono was charged with violating Article 12B of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.