West Jakarta Prosecutor's Office Distributes Fahrenheit Trading Robot Confiscated Assets To More Than IDR 89 Billion Victims

The West Jakarta District Attorney (Kejari) distributed assets in the form of Rp89 billion to 10 attorneys. The money was confiscated from Fahrenheit Trading Robot's fraudulent investment, which has now been returned to the victims through their respective attorneys.

Of the 10 victims represented by attorneys, one of them is LQ Indonesia Lawfirm. Acting Chairman of LQ Indonesia Lawfirm, Advocate Partyuli Saragih in a statement received said that his party would distribute the money to victims of Fahrenheit Trading Robot.

"Thank you to the West Jakarta District Attorney for returning the funds of the victims of Fahrenheit Trading Robot. Also to the Police and the Panel of Judges of the Court so that the victims of Fahrenheit trading robots who took the criminal route through LQ Indonesia Lawfirm can receive compensation for their losses. Cooperation between law enforcement officers related to LQ Indonesia Lawfirm allows for partial compensation by victims. This is one of several compensation executions that are being taken care of by LQ Indonesia Lawfirm. Apart from Fahrenheit, there is DNA Pro, Indosurya Cooperative, and several other fraudulent investments that will soon follow the distribution of compensation. "explained Partyuli Saragih.

It is known that the prosecutor's office has confiscated 450 Singapore dollars and 27,950 Thai Bahts. The confiscated assets executed by the prosecutor's office were then distributed based on the amount of loss of victims who followed the criminal route.

"Initially, several senior lawyers criticized LQ Indonesia Lawfirm for taking a criminal route. The First Travel criminal case, confiscated assets were confiscated by the state. But LQ Indonesia Lawfirm believes that if handled properly, the confiscated assets can be returned to the victims. And the criminal route is the best way. The best criminal path is if the perpetrator does not have a good itikat or a Lick of Good Faith." he said.