Foreign Minister Retno emphasized Indonesia's support for Palestine at the 75th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights at the UN Headquarters in Geneva

JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi emphasized her support for Palestine when attending the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the UN Human Rights Council Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, Monday.

In this commemoration, Foreign Minister Retno conveyed Indonesia's four national commitments to promote human rights.

"First, as an elected candidate for member of the UN Human Rights Council, Indonesia reaffirms its commitment to strengthening political solidarity and humanitarian support for Palestine, including by increasing contributions to UNWRA threefold," said Foreign Minister Retno in a written statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 12.

Second, continued Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno, Indonesia is committed to continuing the ratification process of the International Convention for the Protection of All People from Enforced Disappearance.

"If the convention has been ratified, it means that Indonesia has ratified all the core international human rights instruments," she stressed.

"Third, Indonesia is committed to protecting and respecting the rights of people with disabilities, including by strengthening the role of the National Commission on Disabilities. Fourth, Indonesia is also committed to implementing the National Strategy for Business and Human Rights," stressed Foreign Minister Retno.

Apart from national commitments, the Indonesian Foreign Minister also conveyed the commitment of ASEAN member countries and Timor Leste to strengthen human rights cooperation in the region.

"We are committed to strengthening regional cooperation in the field of human rights, including through the implementation of the ASEAN Leaders' Declaration on the ASEAN Human Rights Dialogue which was adopted at the 43rd ASEAN Summit," said the Indonesian Foreign Minister reading the ASEAN statement.

Apart from commemorating International Human Rights Day, Foreign Minister Retno is also planned to speak at a High Level Event regarding the human rights situation in Palestine today and deliver a statement at the Global Refugees Forum tomorrow, local time.

It is known that the 75th commemoration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the UN Headquarters in Geneva was attended by around 16 Heads of State and/or Government, as well as 20 Ministerial level officials.