List Of Roads That Will Be Recovered During The Presidential Candidate Debate At The KPU Today

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya will implement traffic engineering around the office of the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia located on Jalan Imam Bonjol, Menteng, Central Jakarta, today. This step was taken to prevent the accumulation of vehicles due to the debate activities of the presidential candidate pair and vice presidential candidate. "Condition for traffic engineering is certainly situational, both for later activities at around 19.00 WIB," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko told reporters quoted on Tuesday, December 12. The plan is for traffic engineering to be implemented at around 15.00 WIB. A number of roads will be diverted by traffic flow. The implementation is situational. This means that it will be implemented if it is deemed necessary. "Of course, at around 15.00 WIB it will be carried out situationally for traffic engineering," he said. The following is traffic engineering during the presidential debate on Tuesday evening: 1.Traffic Light (TL) Imam Bonjol or Graha Mandiri- Vehicles coming from the HI Roundabout going to Jalan Imam Bonjol are diverted to Jalan H Agus Salim and Jalan Pamekasan- Vehicles coming from Jalan H Agus Salim which will go to Jalan Imam Bonjol are straightened to Jalan Pamekasan or turn right towards the HI Roundabout. 2. TL HOS Cokroaminoto-A vehicle coming from Jalan Rasuna Said which will go to Jalan Imam Bonjol is straightened to Jalan Cokroaminoto or It is good to go right to Diponegoro Street- Vehicles coming from Jalan Diponegoro which will go to the HI Roundabout are diverted to the left of Jalan Rasuna Said and to the right of Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto. "Activities in the presidential and vice presidential debate," said Trunoyudo. General Election Commission (KPU) explained the mechanism for the inaugural debate of presidential candidates (vice presidential candidates) which is scheduled to take place at the KPU office, Jakarta, Tuesday night. KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari said the inaugural debate will begin at 19.00 WIB. Participants will be followed by presidential candidates (candidates).

"Who is arguing? Yes, for tomorrow night the first opportunity is at the presidential and vice presidential candidates debate, on stage to argue is only the presidential candidate," said Hasyim during a press conference to prepare for the presidential / vice presidential debate. The duration of the debate will last 150 minutes. However, the specific duration of the debate is 120 minutes or 2 hours.