Pencak Silat Teacher In Jakut Cabuli His Student Is Of The Same Type

JAKARTA - A pencak silat teacher with the initials IA was reported on suspicion of sexual abuse of the same sex against his students in the Koja area, North Jakarta. Information said that there were 4 boy who were victims of IA.

"There are 4. That includes my son, the one I entered as a witness, the other two did not dare to report it," said the victim's mother, Siti Masitoh when met at her home in the Koja area, North Jakarta, Monday, December 11.

Siti said that she had been obscenity since 2021. However, at that time Siti did not suspect, because according to her it was a form of teacher's affection for her students.

But over time, parents began to become suspicious of the behavior of the silat coach.

"Initially it was fine. Children's lovers but just men. But choose something that is a bit handsome to kiss. Tell me, I think the coach is a little different," he said.

Then, Siti continued to pay attention to the behavior of IA and her biological son, RI (13). In fact, he asked his son not to go alone with the reported party.

"At the championship, the coach told my son to ask to be accompanied to the house to take the equipment. But after an hour it hasn't returned. At that time I thought it was true for the championship," he said.

It turned out that after the first day after the silat championship, his son did not want to practice. Because according to the victim, the coach was obscene.

"I ask, what's the lewdness? He answered that his pants were lowered, his lips were kissed and his genitals," he said.

Not happy that his son was treated as such, Siti also reported the IA to the North Jakarta Metro Police on Friday, December 8 for the molestation case. The victim's parents also received assistance from P2TP2A North Jakarta.

The report is registered with the number LP/B/1316/XII/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO JAKUT/POLDA METRO JAYA.

Siti menjerat Iwan dengan Pasal 82 Undang (UU) Nomor 17 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan PERPU Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas UU Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak dan atau Pasal 292 KUHP.x

Not only that, but Siti also found out about the reported act of obscenity since when and how many victims.

I called friends of the Republic of Indonesia. It turned out that someone had been put to sleep, but at that time the victim refused. But he has been kissed by his aunt and IA. "Explained Siti.