Agus Rahardjo Was Complained To The Criminal Investigation Unit About Jokowi's Statement Of E-KTP Case Intervention

JAKARTA - The former chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for the 2015-2019 period, Agus Rahardjo, was reported to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. The complaint was in the aftermath of his statement regarding the intervention from President Joko Widodo or Jokowi to stop handling the e-KTP corruption case."Now in the narrative presented by AR, we from the Pandawa Nusantara DPP are of the view that the narrative presented is full of elements of slander and defamation of the good name and dignity of a president," said Secretary General of Pandawa Nusantara, Faisal Anwar to reporters, Monday, December 11.Allegations of slander and defamation are because there is no evidence. In fact, Agus Rahardjo is a former chairman of the KPK who knows about the evidentiary process."The narrative conveyed by Agus Raharjo is not accompanied by authentic evidence, and also with legal evidence in accordance with existing laws," he said."Brother AR, whose incident is as a law enforcer, must understand and understand when there is a legal problem by state officials, the procedure is to complete it by applicable laws and regulations," he continued.In fact, Agus Rahardjo's statement was considered political. Because, he will participate in the legislative election contestation in the 2024 General Election."So the impression in our opinion is that there is an electoral political motive. What does that mean, that AR's brother is currently participating in the pecalegan as a candidate for DPD RI member," said Faisal.Previously, in an event hosted by senior journalist Rosiana Silalahi which aired on Thursday night, November 30, Agus Rahardjo said that President Jokowi had asked him to stop the electronic ID card corruption case involving Setya Novanto.
However, as is known, on April 24, 2018, the former chairman of the DPR and Novanto were found guilty of corruption in the electronic ID card project for the 2011-2013 fiscal year.He was sentenced to 15 years in prison and required to pay a fine of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to three months in prison.