Elderly In Jatinegera Becomes Bandar Judi Togel, Taken To Polsek During Rekap Number 2 Number

JAKARTA - An elderly man (elderly) who collectors lottery gambling with the initials DB could only surrender during his gambling stall in Cipinang Besar Utara, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta, was raided by members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jatinegara Police, Friday, December 8.

The lottery gambling field belonging to the suspect DB was raided after the police received a report that there was a lottery gambling activity in the North Cipinang Besar area, Jatinegara.

"The suspect DB was arrested while (rekap) togel. The suspect had been a collector of lottery gambling 2 months ago. He was selling lottery gambling on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, Saturdays and Sundays," said Jatinegara Police Chief Kompol Chitya to VOI, Friday, December 8.

From the proceeds from the sale of lottery gambling, the suspect received a net profit per day of IDR 100 to IDR 300 thousand.

"The status of the suspect is a lottery gambling collector. He only sells number 2 numbers. The number that comes out or is announced in the afternoon is based on the Singapore gambling lottery web," he said.

In the action, the suspect targeted the installer or buyer of the lottery gambling number from among the local residents.

"The average subscription is adults. Installation manually, the suspect immediately wrote his hand (on a paper)," he said.

However, when asked about the arrest of the owner of the lottery-type gambling web account, Kompol Chitya admitted that the suspect only got information on the number that came out based on information from his colleague.

"The suspect is a direct dealer, because he recaps and accepts direct transactions (with the installer)," he said.

As a result of his actions, suspect DB is threatened with imprisonment for 10 years for his actions. The police are still developing a network of the gambling suspect. Meanwhile, the case is still being handled by the Jatinegara Police.