UN Secretary General Letters Security Council Regarding Crisis In Gaza, Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson: In Line With Indonesia's Position

JAKARTA - Indonesia supports the steps taken by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to write to the Security Council regarding the war that occurred in the Gaza Strip, Palestine, while Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi continues to communicate with various parties on the council.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday implemented Article 99 of the UN Charter which was rarely used, as he warned the Security Council of global threats could result from the Hamas-Israeli war in the Gaza Strip.

The implementation of Article 99 of the UN Charter allows Secretary General Guterres to convey to the Security Council, "problems that according to his opinion could threaten the maintenance of international peace and security."

Commenting on this, a spokesman for the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lalu Muhamad Iqbal said Indonesia supports the steps taken by the Secretary General of the United Nations.

"The letter basically conveys that the situation in Gaza has threatened international peace and security," he explained in a written statement Friday, December 8.

He further explained that throughout the history of the United Nations, the application of the article had only been used three times. Meanwhile, Secretary General Guterres himself used the article for the first time during his term of office.

Iqbal said the letter was expected to put pressure on the UN Security Council, providing a basis for the council to take political steps immediately and decisively.

"The contents of the Secretary-General's letter are in line with Indonesia's position as conveyed by the Indonesian Foreign Minister in various forums, especially the speech of the Indonesian Foreign Minister at the United Nations on October 24, 2023," explained Iqbal.

He added that Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi continues to communicate with various parties deemed to have influence on the UN Security Council, to ensure that no permanent member state uses its veto rights.