South Tangerang Prosecutor's Office Files An Appeal Regarding Rihani's Verdict Which Is Considered Too Light

TANGERANG - The South Tangerang District Attorney (Kejari) will file an appeal regarding the verdict of the defendant Rihani. This happened because the articles proven by the panel of judges were different from the articles alleged by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) as previously demanded by the Public Prosecutor.

"The article proven by the panel of judges is different from what we submitted, the article proven by judge 372 while we prove the ITE law," said Head of the General Crime Section of the South Tangerang Kejari, Malda Ksastria when confirmed, Friday, December 8.

Malda Ksastria said that the defendant Rina was still looking at the decision of her legal advisor.

He assessed that the verdict given by Rina was 2/3 of the prosecutor's demands which sentenced Rinahan to 5 years in prison.

"For Rinhana, we are waiting 7 days. If the defendant appeals, we will appeal," said Malda when confirmed, Friday, December 8.

Previously it was reported that the Panel of Judges sentenced the defendant Rihani to 3 years in prison. This was read out directly in the Tangerang District Court (PN) courtroom.

The Panel of Judges assessed that the defendant Rihani had been proven to have violated Article 372 in conjunction with Article 64 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code concerning embezzlement.

"Declaring that the defendant Rihani alias Nani bint Muslih has committed an act intentionally and against the law has something entirely or partly belonging to someone else," said the Panel of Judges at the Tangerang District Court, Monday, December 4.

"Imposing, the defendant Rihani was sentenced to three years in prison and remains detained," he continued.

The verdict given by the Panel of Judges against the defendant Rihani was lighter than that of his twin Rina. Rina was sentenced to 4 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 1 billion.

The Public Prosecutor (JPU) has charged the twins Rinahan and Rihani for the iPhone buying and selling fraud case with a sentence of 5 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 1 billion.