Munir Human Rights Activist Case Judge Ridwan Mansyur Inaugurated By Jokowi As Constitutional Court Judge

JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) witnessed the oath of inauguration of Ridwan Mansyur as a Constitutional Court Judge (MK), at the State Palace, Jakarta, Friday, December 8 morning.

Ridwan was inaugurated to replace Manahan Sitompul who entered retirement. The inauguration was carried out in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 98/P/2023 concerning the Appointment of Constitutional Justices.

"By Allah, I swear that I will fulfill the obligations of the constitutional judge as well as possible and fairly as possible, uphold the 1945 Constitution and carry out all laws and regulations as straight as possible," said Ridwan when taking an oath in front of President Jokowi.

During the inauguration, President Jokowi also witnessed the reading of Ridwan Mansyur's oath of office as a Constitutional Court Judge, then followed by the signing of the minutes of the appointment of the oath of office.

To note Ridwan was sworn in after passing in the paper writing and a feasibility test defeating four other candidates.

Before occupying the position of Judge of the Constitutional Court, Ridwan was better known as a court judge in the murder case of human rights activist Munir Said Talib.

The website of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia informed that Ridwan Mansyur was born in Lahat, South Sumatra, November 11, 1959.

He pursued a career as a candidate for justice at the Bekasi District Court in 1986. The position as a judge began at the Muara Enim District Court in 1989.

In 1998, he turned to judge at the Cibinong District Court. Four years later, Ridwan Mansyur again received a transfer to become a judge at the Central Jakarta District Court until mid-2026.

The position as chairman of the court was entrusted to Ridwan Mansur in 2006 as Deputy Chairman of the Purwakarta District Court. The following year, he again won the trust of Deputy Chairman of the Batam District Court.

In 2008, Ridwan was promoted as Chair at the court, and continued in 2010 he was promoted as Chairman of the Palembang Special Class IA District Court.

In 2012, the leadership of the Supreme Court (MA) again promoted the position of Head of the Supreme Court's Legal and Public Relations Bureau. The position was held in 2012-2017.

In mid-2017, Ridwan Mansur was trusted as Deputy Chairman of the Bangka Belitung High Court which was held until the end of 2018.

The Tanjungkarang High Court became the next mutation point at the end of 2018 with the position of Deputy Chair. Two years later, he was promoted to Deputy Chair of the Semarang High Court in 2020.

Not even a year as an element of the leadership of the Semarang High Court, on February 3, 2021, Rita Iryani's husband was given the trust as an MA Registrar.