Joking With Bombs On Plane, Police Remind The Threat Of A Maximum Sentence Of 15 Years In Prison

JAKARTA - Learning from the incident of a joke passenger or jokingly carrying a bomb on the Pelita Air plane on the Surabaya-Jakarta route, Wednesday, December 6. The police also reminded that the threat of a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. Karopenmas Police Public Relations Division Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan emphasized not to joke or joke about the bomb on the plane. "There is a threat of a bomb on the plane carried out by one of the passengers with the purpose of joking. You should not joke about the bomb," said Ramadhan to reporters in Jakarta, Thursday 7 December. "The information is that passengers who carry out the bomb threat have now been detained and checked by officers," he continued.Pengumps who joked about carrying a bomb into the plane have been regulated in Article 344 letter e in Law Number 1 of 2009 concerning Aviation. Where the article reads "submitting false information that endangers flight safety". The threat of punishment as described in Article 437 paragraph (1) of Law No.1 of 2009 concerning Aviation is a maximum imprisonment of 1 year or a fine of at most Rp. 500,000,000. "Every person conveys false information that endangers flight safety as referred to in Article 344 letter e shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 1 (one) year," reads Article 437 paragraph (1) of Law No.1 of 2009 concerning Aviation.

If the joke or joke results in an accident or property loss, it will be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 8 years described in paragraph (2). Even if what is meant in paragraph (1) results in death, in paragraph (3) it is explained that a maximum imprisonment of 15 years.