3 Days Of Being Carried Away By The Bengawan Solo River, Sulami Was Found Dead

SRAGEN - After 3 days of searching, the body of Sulami's grandmother (68) was finally found. The elderly woman (elderly), a resident of Ngadirojo Hamlet, Sambungmacan Village, Sragen, was previously swept away in the Bengawan Solo stream.

Sulami's body was found by the Sambungmacan Police Search Team at the Sragen Police about 1 km from the initial location where the victim drowned.

The search was carried out together with a joint team from BPBD Sragen district, PSC 119, Basarnas and SAR MTA Sragen.

Sambung Police Chief, Iptu Widarto, explained that the victim's body was found on the third day, after the victim slipped and drowned in the Bengawan Solo river, after picking chilies on Sepatu Island, on December 5, then.

"The victim was found by a search team in the Bengawan Solo sect, precisely in Dukuh Bolorejo, Banaran Sambungmacan Village, right on the third day of the search. Currently, the victim has been taken by PMI ambulance to the morgue of Sragen Hospital to check the condition of the victim's body", Widarto said in a written statement, Thursday, December 7.

From the results of the examination by the medical team, there were no signs of violence. Sulami's family also objected if the body was performed an autopsy. The victim's body has been handed over to the family for burial.

Sulami was reportedly swept away in the Bengawan Solo River on December 5, 2023 at around 12.30 WIB. According to witnesses, at that time the call to prayer was reverberating, Sulami and Jumadi then intended to return to their home after picking chilies on Sepatu Island which was located across the Bengawan Solo River.

During the day, Bengawan Solo's water discharge suddenly installed. However, Sulami still crossed even though Jumadi had been reminded, that the current was starting to rise.

When crossing, it is possible that Sulami slipped and was carried away by the current so that her body could no longer be seen.

The search for victims was carried out by the Samboracan Police with other search teams, until they arrived at the Bengawan Solo River on the border of Central Java and East Java, but until the second day there were no results.

Until the third day, Thursday, December 7, 2023, the body of Mrs. Sulami was finally found by the search team, precisely 1 km from the location where the victim of Sulami disappeared.