Breaking Through The Train Crossing, The Grandfather Of A Vario Rider Was Killed By A Train, Dragged 10 Meters

JAKARTA - A motorcyclist was killed when he was hit by a train while trying to break through the railroad gate (KA) which was closed at the Kramat Station train crossing, Senen, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 7.

The victim was named Sutaryo (71) a resident of Bali Matraman, RT 05/06, Manggarai Village, Tebet, South Jakarta. As a result of the incident, the victim's body was dragged 10 meters away. The victim died instantly.

Meanwhile, the victim's motorbike, Honda Vario with the number B 4822 TGF, was also crushed due to a hard impact.

Roni, an eyewitness to the incident, said that initially the victim crossed the crossing when two trains came from both directions, namely the direction of Jatinegara and Senen.

"The train is in the direction of Senen plok pala. The one from Jatinegara is the Java train. It has been told by parking officers in the field that there are two trains but he is taking (crossing through)," Roni told reporters, Thursday, December 7.

Then the victim's motorbike was immediately struck by the train until a hard impact occurred.

"There was a collision like that. The victim was dragged up to 10 meters. The incident occurred when the track was crowded with vehicles," he said.

Furthermore, the victim's body was rushed to the morgue of the Central Jakarta RSCM for further processing. Meanwhile, the victim's motorbike was taken to the Central Jakarta Metro Police Laka Unit.

KAI Daop 1 Jakarta Public Relations Manager, Ixfan Hendriwintoko confirmed an accident that killed a motorcyclist.

"Twisted-wheeled riders (accidentally hit-ed) inspected, between Pasar Senen-Jatinegara on the direct crossing road (JPL) No. 38 sub-districts," he said.

Ixfan said, at the time of the incident, the driver had sounded 35 mottos in a row (the locomotive klason had been sounded).

"But the driver broke through the crossing gate so that the driver grazed the train. In addition, another driver has also reminded the penemper, with no screams being heard. In the end, the incident was inevitable," he said.