Hutama Karya Completes Ameroro Dam Construction, Now Enters The Initial Charging Stage

JAKARTA - The Ameroro Dam project package II directed by PT Hutama Karya has been completed and entered the impacting stage or the initial filling process of the dam.

The Ameroro Dam is one of a total of 16 National Strategic Projects (PSN) targeted for completion by the Ministry of PUPR by the end of 2023.

Executive Vice President (EVP) Corporate Secretary Hutama Karya Tjahjo Purnomo said the progress of the Ameroro Dam construction as a whole had reached 98.45 percent.

Meanwhile, specifically for package II which includes preparation, construction of road access and bridges, delegation buildings, construction of landscapes, implementation of construction safety management systems, hydromechanical installation to clearing of inundation areas, is 100 percent.

Tjahjo said the impacting process was an important step in the construction of the dam after the construction work was completed.

"Broadly speaking, by fully closing the door of the defect channel, then monitoring of the water discharge entering the inundation area and this procedure has met the requirements and approval from the Dam Security Commission (KKB) regarding the technical side of development," said Tjahjo in a written statement, Wednesday, December 6.

The project is being worked on through operational cooperation (KSO) with PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk (Adhi Karya) (KSO HK-Adhi), which portion is Hutama Karya 65 percent and Adhi 35 percent. The total land area reaches 578.78 hectares with a capacity of 98 million cubic meters and an inundation area of 380 hectares.

In accelerating the construction of package II, Hutama Karya implemented several techniques and innovations, such as Green Construction and supported by the application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology as a tool to control projects in terms of quality, time and cost.

In addition, the team in the field also always builds good communication with the stakeholders involved so that the project is completed in October 2023 and ahead of the initial contract plan on November 30, 2023.

The presence of the Ameroro Dam will provide benefits for the surrounding community, including the potential to add irrigation area services covering an area of 3,363 hectares as a raw water fulfillment of 511 liters per second, the potential as a hydro-powered power plant (PLTM) of 1,3 megawatts, as well as flood control in Konawe Regency of 443 cubic meters per second and the potential to become a tourist attraction for the surrounding community.