Welcomed With Meriah, Devil's Settlement Film Successfully Screened At JAFF 2023

JAKARTA - MAGMA Entertainment together with Rapi Films, Caravan Studio and Dunia Mencekam Studios, will release the latest horror film entitled Pemukiman Setan in early 2024. However, before regular screening in theaters, the film, directed by Charles Gozali, had already aired the screening of the Asian Premiere at the Jogja-Netpac Asian Film Festival (JAFF) 2023, as a show for the Midnight Event (Nocturnal) on December 1, 2023.

Midnight Event (Nocturnal) is back at JAFF 2023 after 10 years of absence in order to highlight genre films by playing fantastic films at midnight. This broadcast is one of the proud things for the film Pemukiman Setan, considering that JAFF itself is one of the international standard film festivals in Southeast Asia and partners with NETPAC (Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema).

Not only showing the film, but the JAFF 2023 event also presented a discussion session with Charles Gozali as director, Daniel Irawan as Creative Producer and this event was also attended by players, including Bhisma Mulia, Daffa Wardhana, Ashira Zamita, and Teuku Rifnu Wikana.

"I'm very happy that this film is played and watched by all of my friends here. Hopefully everyone can get carried away on the journey of the four players in this film, when they are looking for a way out for their problems, it's precisely what they find is something more scary," said the director of the Devils Settlement Film, Charles Gozali, quoted by VOI from a media broadcast, Wednesday, December 6.

Continuing the director's statement, Daffa Wardhana also added about the excitement of the film she played. "Hopefully the audience here is satisfied and can bring their experience as something different, can be told to other friends, so they can support this film when it opens in theaters in early 2024," said Daffa Wardhana.

"Moreover, here, I am trusted to play a character who can say they dare to be reckless. Desperate to find a way out of our condition, but that's where our courage is challenged, as previously mentioned by Mr. Charles," he concluded.