Rohingya Aceh Refugees, DPR Asks The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs To Immediately Communicate With UNHCR

Member of Commission I DPR RI, Rizki Natakusumah asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) to immediately communicate with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) regarding the issue of Rohingya refugees in Aceh.

This is in order to get certainty for Rohingya refugees, and not disturb local residents.

"We hope that there will be communication built by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant state institutions to international organizations that handle refugee problems. There needs to be immediate treatment and certainty so that the fate of refugees does not last too long until the local community is disturbed," Rizki told reporters, Tuesday, December 5.

Apart from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Democrat politician also asked law enforcement officials to check the issue of smuggling Rohingya refugees to Indonesia. The reason is, there are refugees who claim to have deliberately headed to Indonesia with the help of intermediaries.

"If there are indications that refugee smugglers deliberately lead them to Indonesia, there must be a search from the authorities. Law enforcers must be able to ensure that there are no unlawful acts that take advantage of this wave of refugees," said Rizki.

In addition, Rizki added, collective efforts from ASEAN need to solve problems in Myanmar. Because the problem of Rohingya refugees being stranded is even more massive.

"What is even more important is that there must be collective efforts from ASEAN to participate in solving problems in Myanmar. Do not let Indonesia close its leadership year in ASEAN at the end of this year with the problem of refugees that never ends," concluded the previous Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD. said the government would return Rohingya refugees in Indonesia to their home country, Myanmar.

"We will discuss how to return to his country through the United Nations, because there are representatives, later I will lead the meeting," said Mahfud MD during a visit to MTS Anrida Al Islamy Bekasi at the National Dialogue event, Monday, December 4, evening. Mahfud said that the problem of Rohingya refugees who came to Indonesia using wooden ships was handled by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).