8 Hours Giving Clarification About 'Police Are Not Neutral,' TPN Spokesperson Aiman Witjaksono Admits 60 Questions Were Asked

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud MD, Aiman Witjaksono has finished providing clarification regarding the statement of the Non-Northral Police, Tuesday, December 5.For more than 8 hours Aiman was questioned by investigators from the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya. Aiman arrived this morning at around 10.15 WIB and finished the examination at 18.40 WIB"And today we have carried out a summons from the police, conducted an investigation, and we have conveyed everything has been processed by investigators," said Aiman at Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday, December 5.During his quarantine, Aiman's statement about the 'non-neutral police' was asked 60 questions."So I answered the clarification report earlier. There were about 60 questions, and then thank God today, tonight is finished," explained Aiman.The material brought was during a press conference for the National Winning Team (TPN) which was submitted on November 11, 2023."The materials are of course investigators, which can later be explained. But the point is that about what I have said on November 11, 2023 at the press conference at TPN Jalan Cemara 19," explained Aiman.He also explained that Aiman's statement did not stand alone, but there were various indicators in society."There have been indicators in the community, since the Constitutional Court, the Constitutional Court's decision is 90, then there is the MKMK, then we remember that there was a disbandment of the voting match time by officials in East Java, then there was a billboard," he explained.
"Then there was also the chairman of BEM UI who said there was intimidation, and this is what Mas Butet recently said that the prohibition for him conveyed political things in the middle of his event," added Aiman.In closing, Aiman asked the public and media partners to guard and defend democracy.