Charged With Receiving A Bribe Of IDR 3 Billion Not Submitting An Exception, Hasbi Hasan Wants Accelerated Trial Period

JAKARTA - The attorney for the former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Hasbi Hasan, Maqdir Ismail said that he would not file an exception on the prosecutor's indictment that his client received a bribe of Rp. 3 billion in the building of the Jakarta Supreme Court. "We will not file an exception even though, yes, our indictment has heard that there are things that we think are a bit inappropriate and not affected," said Maqdir after hearing the indictment of the prosecutor at the Central Jakarta Corruption Court Building (Tipikor), Tuesday, December 5, which was confiscated by Antara. Maqdir asked for the trial to proceed to the witness stage in order to reveal the facts of the case. In addition, Maqdir also asked for a trial to run twice a week in order to speed up the examination. He also asked to be given the flexibility to consult with his client. Responding to this, the chairman of the panel of judges Toni Irfan will adjust the trial time to another trial schedule at the Central Jakarta District Court. "We ask for the right time of 10 we will carry it out and we will see the situation, if we allow the trial to be carried out twice in a week. We will see first the condition," he said. Regarding the flexibility to consult between Maqdir and Hasbi, Toni invited the attorney to coordinate with the KPK Prosecutor. Former Secretary of the Supreme Court Hasbi Hasan was charged with accepting bribes to take care of the case lawsuit for the bankruptcy of the Savings and Loans Cooperatives (KSP) level of cassation with the aim of winning KSP Intidana Heryanto Tanaka's debt of Rp11.2 billion. "All started with the defeat of Heryanto Tanaka when suing the chairman of KSPi Bud Gandi Suparman. The verdict was in the Semarrang District Court with a decision number number 489/Pid.B/2021/PN SMG.

Heryanto lantas menggugat putusan tersebut ke MA. Dia lalu meminta Dadan Tri Yudianto (DTY) untuk mencarikan seseorang yang bisa memenangkan perkaranya di MA.DTY menyanggupi hal tersebut dan mulai menghubungi Hasbi Hasan untuk membicarakan perkara tersebut. Pertemuan mereka terjadi pada bulan Maret 2022 di kantor Hasbi.Setelah pertemuan tersebut, DTY berkomunikasi kembali dengan Heryanto untuk mengajukan biaya pengurusan perkara. Semula, DTY meminta uang sebesar Rp15 miliar. Namun, Heryanto tidak bisa memenuhi permintaan tersebut."Heryanto Tanaka menyetujui untuk menyerahkan biaya pengurusan perkara kepada terdakwa melalui Dadan Tri Yudianto sebesar Rp11,2 miliar," kata Jaksa saat membacakan dakwaan.Uang tersebut pun diterima oleh DTY dan diberikan kepada Hasbi Hasan sebesar Rp3 miliar untuk mengurus perkara tersebut.Atas perbuatannya, jaksa mendakwa Hasbi dengan Pasal 12 huruf a atau Pasal 12 huruf b dan/atau Pasal 11 UU Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi sebagaimana diubah dengan UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 juncto Pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP.