People's Voice: Install The Banner On The Street, It's Also Good To See

JAKARTA - A number of banners and billboards of DPR RI candidates and DKI DPRD were installed on the side fence of Jalan Laksamana Malahayati, precisely at the Kebon Nanas intersection, East Jakarta. The jumbo-sized banners and billboards drew protests from the public.

"I don't agree that the Caleg banners and billboards or anyone are installed on the side of the road. If they want to install them in official containers, not on roads like this," said Ridwan, an online motorcycle taxi driver who often passes through the area, Tuesday, December 5.

The placement of a number of reservoirs and billboards of legislative candidates on the side of the streets is considered to damage the aesthetics of the city's scenery.

"If they want to put up a promotional advertisement, it's in official media, capital. Don't put up banners on the streets, it's not good to see them disturbing the view of vehicle drivers," he said.

Previously, the DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) announced locations that were prohibited from installing props or attributes for the 2024 election campaign by election participants, both billboards, banners, and public elections.

This determination is contained in the Decree of the DKI Jakarta KPU Number 363 of 2023 concerning the Installation Location of Campaign Performance Equipment in DKI Jakarta Province in the 2024 General Election.

In general, campaign attributes are prohibited from being installed in places of worship, hospitals or health care facilities, educational places, government-owned buildings, certain government-owned facilities, and other facilities that can disrupt public order.