Tuesday Morning, Mount Anak Krakatau Erupted Again And Abu's High Reaches 700 Meters

Mount Anak Krakatau, located in the Sunda Strait, South Lampung Regency, erupted again on Tuesday, December 5 at 04.38 WIB. The height of the column of ash that was ejected reached 700 meters above the peak or about 857 meters above sea level. The official report of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) stated that the column of ash, thick black, slid towards the northwest. The recording of the eruption activity on the seismograph shows a maximum amplitude of 63 millimeters with a duration of about 41 seconds. Andi Suardi, the Head of the Mount Monitoring Post of Krakatau Children in Hargopancuran, Rajabasa District, South Lampung, reminded residents and fishermen not to approach the Mount Anak Krakatau area within a radius of five kilometers. Krakato Children's Gunung is currently at level III, alert, with recommendations for the community, fishermen, and mountain climbers to keep a distance of no less than five kilometers from the crater of the mountain. Since its appearance in June 1927, Mount Anak Krakatau has experienced a series of eruptions, causing growth and increase in its altitude. The characteristic of the eruption involved explosive eruption and effusive eruption, with a time span of between one to six years. Previously, Aflah Efendi, Acting Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) South Lampung, had appealed to the public to remain alert to the potential eruption of Mount Anak Krakata or in early 2023.

He emphasized the need for vigilance on the coast and Sebesi Island, as well as prohibiting approaches to Mount Anak Krakatau within a five-kilometer radius. Until now, there have been no reports of the impact of the eruption, such as volcanic ash rain, from coastal communities. Aflah Efendi encourages increased vigilance in order to reduce disaster risk in the area.