Defendant In Child Death Case Of Ex-Pj Papua Mountains Sued 14 Years In Prison

The public prosecutor charged Ahmad Nashir, a defendant in the death of ABK (16), son of the former Acting Governor of Papua, Nikolaus Kondomo Mountains, with a criminal sentence of 14 years in prison.

Head of the General Crimes Section of the Semarang District Attorney's Office, M. Rizky Pratama, said that the prosecutor's demands were read out in a closed trial at the Semarang District Court, Central Java.

According to him, the defendant was proven to have violated Article 81 paragraph 5 of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection.

He explained the consideration of the charges imposed on the defendant, including that there was no intentional element in the act that resulted in the death of the crew.

"In addition, the victim's family is sincere and forgives," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, December 4.

Based on these demands, Chief Judge Bambang Budi Mursito gave the defendant the opportunity to present his defense at the next trial.

On May 18, 2023, Semarang Police investigated the case of the death of a 16-year-old woman in a boarding house on Jalan Pawiyatan Luhur, Semarang City.

The victim is known to be the son of Nikolaus Kondomo, at that time the Acting Governor of Papua Mountains who is also an Expert Staff for Inter-Agency Relations and International Cooperation at the Attorney General's Office. The victim was taken to the hospital before finally being declared dead.

From the crime scene, the police secured evidence in the form of a number of bottles of alcoholic beverages of various types.

The results of the forensic examination stated that the victim ABK died from respiratory failure and poisoning.