Ganjar Ready With Any Scenario Rules For KPU Debates

PRAYA - Presidential Candidate (Capres) number (3) Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 General Election emphasized that his party is ready for any scenario, including regulations regarding whether or not there is an inter-cawapres debate.

"Whether there is an inter-cawapres debate or not, I have prepared myself for any scenario," said Ganjar after meeting millennials and Generation Z at Dapoer Sasak Restaurant, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, quoted by ANTARA Sunday, December 3.

The General Elections Commission (KPU) has decided to abolish the special debate for the vice presidential election in 2024. However, presidential and vice presidential candidates are required to participate in five debates scheduled by the KPU.

"If I want it or not, I will be ready for any scenario," he said.

The debate format for presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election will be different compared to the previous presidential election.

In this presidential election, the presidential/vice presidential candidates will simultaneously be presented in five debates without special inter-cawapres debates.

Previously, the KPU had set a three-time presidential election debate for presidential candidates and twice for vice presidential candidates, in accordance with KPU Regulation Number 15 of 2023 Article 50 paragraph (1).

The first debate at the KPU Office on December 12, 2023, was related to the law, human rights (HAM), government, eradication of corruption, and strengthening democracy.

In the second debate scheduled for December 22, 2023, it carried the theme of defense, security, geopolitical and international relations.

The theme of the third debate on January 7, 2024 is economic (congestion and digital), social welfare, investment, trade, taxes (digital), finance, and management of the state budget.

Furthermore, the theme of the fourth debate on January 21, 2024 regarding energy, natural resources (SDA), SMN, carbon taxes, the environment and agrarianism, as well as indigenous peoples.

The last debate was on February 4, 2024 with the theme of information technology, improvement of public services, hoaxes, intolerance, education, health (post-COVID Society), and employment.

The theme of the debate refers to the national vision listed in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN).

Each presidential/vice presidential debate will consist of six segments, ranging from the opening, reading of rules, conveying vision, mission, and work programs, to the closing segment.

In addition to campaigning on the island of Lombok, Ganjar Pranowo visited the former Sultanate Palace of Bima (Museum Asi Mbojo) in Bima Regency.

On this occasion, Ganjar reviewed the rooms used by the first president of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno or Bung Karno during a visit to Bima in 1933 and 1950.

In addition, Ganjar was accompanied by the Deputy Team for Winning Ganjar, TGB Zainul Majdi, looking at various heirlooms from the royal heritage such as the royal crown to the Keris.

"It's made of gold, yes, very historic," said Ganjar.

His visit to the Bima Palace is one of a series of campaign activities for Ganjar in eastern Indonesia. In his political campaign, Ganjar has absorbed the aspirations of residents, religious leaders, traditional leaders, students, and the younger generation.

Ganjar said that the outpouring of people's hearts will be the main foundation in determining future government programs and policy directions.

"There are issues of poverty, health, education, and infrastructure that are of concern. Of course, there are issues about women, people with disabilities, there needs to be attention so that there is equality," he said.

Ganjar is committed to prioritizing the needs of the people in eastern Indonesia.

Ganjar and Mahfud Md. have shared the task of absorbing the aspirations of the people from various border areas and outermost in Indonesia.

"I started with Merauke and Pak Mahfud to Sabang. Earlier I went to Rote, the outermost island on the south side. Later we will go to Miangas Island. This is one way for us to unite Indonesia," he said.