Threads Keyword Search Feature Now Available In All Countries

JAKARTA - Meta's social media, which is also a competitor to X, Threads is now becoming more competitive by expanding keyword search features to all countries, where the app is available.

"Currently, we are expanding the search for keywords wherever Thread is available. This feature is supported in all languages," wrote Instagram Head Adam Mosseri in his post on Threads.

Based on VOI monitoring, this keyword search feature can be found in Indonesia. If you haven't seen it, you need to update Threads first, to the latest version.

Lastly in the same post, Mosseri also said that several other Threads updates will be coming soon in the future.

"We hope this feature makes it easier for you to find and join the conversations you are interested in. Other improvements will soon be coming to the search, let me know in reply if you have input," he concluded.

On the other hand, from the report of The Wall Street Journal, Meta which oversees Threads decided to follow the EU's Online Service Regulation. By complying with these rules, the platform will soon be present in all European countries.

Reportedly, Threads will start attending in Europe in December. There is no information regarding the exact date of its launch, but this news proves that Threads will actually operate globally.