Sad, 8-Year-Old Boy's Cock In South Sumatra Cut When Mass Sunatan

The South Sumatra Police Ditreskrimsus (Sumsel) will immediately summon mass circumcision officers, which resulted in the genitals of an 8-year-old boy being cut in Lahat Regency.

"Plt Dirreskrimsus Polda Sumsel AKBP Putu Yudha Prawira said his party would process the complaint. "We will examine the witnesses and who is responsible for this problem," Putu said in his statement, Friday, December 1.

He explained that currently the police are completing the administrative files and will conduct further investigations. "Later we will clarify, we will come there or we will present them here," he said briefly.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Lahat District Health Office (Kabid) said that AK boy's 8-year-old genitals were cut due to the accident of officers who carried out the injection at mass circumcision in Masam Bulan Village, Tanjung Sakti District on October 17, 2023.

He said the officer who circumcised him was a Senior Midwife accompanied by one nurse. When asked about the incident of cutting the boy's gender, the midwife admitted that she did not intentionally. In fact, because of this incident the midwife is now not talking much.

"When I asked how the cut was, he answered as well as the usual cut, it was given a boundary between the penis's head and the skin," he said, cutting it above the clump, he was also confused about why it could be cut, "said Ubaidillah.

The disclosure of the victim's genitals was cut a day later during a mass circumcision ceremony. The victim went to the Masam Kulam Village Health Center with a complaint that he could not urinate. After checking the Puskesmas officers, they were surprised to see that the victim's vital equipment was cut.

"This seems to be cut off, then I asked the child to be referred to the hospital, and finally from the Village Health Center the victim was referred to the Lahat hospital with a trip of more than 3 hours," said Ubaidilah.

Furthermore, the victim was handled by the hospital, and taken action, but unfortunately the victim's vital equipment could no longer be connected.