Dhikr Nurul Wathon Assembly Supports Prabowo-Gibran To Become President And Vice President In 2024-2029

JAKARTA - The Kiai and Ulama of the Dhikr Council, Nurul Wathon, expressed support for the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming to become President and Vice President for the period 2024-2029.

Representing Prabowo, Secretary General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani expressed his gratitude for the support provided by the kiai and ulama who are members of the assembly.

"Yes, today, thank God, the dhikr house, the dhikr assembly consisting of many ulama, kiai, ustad, ustadzah, habaib gave a statement to support the Prabowo-Gibran pair, presidential and vice presidential candidates number 2," said Muzani to reporters in Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday, November 30, evening.

"Pak Prabowo feels that his struggle is not alone. Pak Prabowo feels that the prayers and support provided by the ulama are a challenge for his struggle to achieve his goals," he continued.

Previously, the Secretary General of the Dhikr Council, Nurul Wathon, Deden Hidayaturochman, read out 8 points of reason why his party supports Prabowo-Gibran to become President and Vice President for the 2024-2029 period. One of them, Prabowo Subianto is the most sincere leader in Indonesia.

"Two, he has experience in leadership, not only in the military, but in the international community. Three, he is closest to scholars and Islamic boarding schools, which have a pesantren endowment fund program," said Deden.

"Fourth, providing nutrition and nutrition through free lunch programs for school children, infants, and pregnant women as a form of concern. Five, continue the great program of President Joko Widodo.

"Sixth, Pak Prabowo is the father of the unifier of the Indonesian nation. Seven, brave, firm, heartened, and has the soul of a knight. Eight, he is a leader who can motivate the younger generation to progress and take responsibility for serving the nation and state," said Deden.

"In each candidate pair, there are kiai and ulama. Let's work together to focus on the kiai and ulama involved in political contestation, they want to accompany whoever is elected to be the leader of this nation," he concluded.