Marriage Stays Calculated Day, BCL Removes Sinclair Name From Instagram

JAKARTA - Singer Bunga Citra Lestari alias BCL is known to be getting married to Tiko Wardhana soon. This wedding will take place on December 2 on the Island of the Gods in Bali.

Seeing this, BCL can be seen removing the name Sinclair from her Instagram account name. It was known that BCL used the name bclsinclair Instagram, but now it has changed to its symbol.

This name change is known and uploaded by a BCL and Tiko fanbase account, @bcltiko. It can be seen that the account shows the change in the name of the Instagram account of the mother of this one child.

Dalam akun tertulis sebuah keterangan bahwa ada yang berubah dari akun instagram BCL. Yang ternyata adalah nama instagramnya.

"Something has changed," wrote the Instagram account @bcltiko quoted by VOI, Thursday, November 30.

Even so, BCL did not seem to delete the photos of his togetherness with the late Ashraf Sinclair during his life.

It is known that the news of BCL's marriage to Tiko Wardhana has been confirmed directly by the KUA Pasar Minggu which is the domicile of BCL's house and also Tiko.

"It's true, her future husband Tiko Pradipta Arya Wardhana. Bunga Citra Lestari has entered the previous husband's death letter, an introduction letter from the kelurahan, and a family card," said Emma Fatmayani, quoted by VOI from Indosiar's YouTube, Monday, November 27.