The Minister Of Religion Is Scheduled To Inaugurate Siak As A Pilot Waqf City

SIAK - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas is scheduled to inaugurate Siak Regency, Riau as the only and first in Indonesia to become the Pilot Waqf City on December 10.

"There are several series of events as assistants to the main event, the launch of the city of waqf. There are healthy roads with prize waqf, waqf socialization, and 'talk shows' related to waqf literacy attended by the Ministry of Religion throughout Sumatra via zoom," said Siak Regent, Alfedri, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, November 30.

Alfedri said Siak was selected after going through a long selection and process. Starting from the presentation at the Ministry of Religion and submitting data related to the ongoing waqf program in Siak Regency, including community literacy.

The Waqf City Team from the Ministry of Religion through the Director of Zakat and Waqf Empowerment (Dirzawa) some time ago visited Siak. He came to see and assess and collect data related to the potential and implementation of waqf in Siak Regency.

Siak was then elected because of the waqf awareness movement program through the Thousand Rupiah Program A Day for state and community civil servants as well as productive waqf. This movement has been running for three years.

From the waqf of one thousand rupiah per day, BWI Siak is able to build houses and two-door shops on a productive waqf land covering an area of 4 hectares located on Jalan Sapta Taruna Siak City, Sri Indrapura. If cashed, it is worth IDR 700 million.

"Currently it has provided benefits for maquf alaih (the party who benefits the waqf) of the building. According to the plan of the place of business activities, the profits are used for the operation of the cottage," he said.

In addition, the form of support from the Siak Regency Government is the issuance of Zakat Regional Regulations, Halal Tourism Regulations, Islamic Boarding Schools and Regional Regulations for Sharia Cooperatives.