Hope Leon Dozan Can Be Peaceful, Betharia Sonata Willing To Kiss Mrs. Riona Aurora's Feet

JAKARTA - Betharia Sonata, the mother of the perpetrator of the persecution Leon Rahman Dozan, is still continuously asking for a path of peace to her son's lover, Rinoa Aurora, who was a victim of abuse some time ago.

"I'm trying to find peace, a peaceful path. After all, I love Rinoa. Who loves Leon, I will definitely love him, surely I will love him more than Leon. I've apologized to his mother many times, it's just Rinoa," said Betharia Sonata at the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Monday, November 27.

As if he was not playing with his words, on another occasion, Juliana Assad alias the biological mother of Rinoa Aurora told of Betharia Sonata's sacrifice in order to get an apology from herself and also Rinoa Aurora for Leon Rahman Dozan's sake.

Juliana said that Betharia had kissed her leg so that there would be peace between Leon Dozan and Rinoa Aurora. He admitted that he felt touched by what Betharia had done.

"Tante Betha kissed my feet, prostrated at my feet, she begged for peace to occur. I as a parent, especially as a mother, was very touched by what Betha's aunt did," said Juliana Assad in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, November 28.

Even so, Juliana, who is also a mother and can feel Betharia's concern about Leon, still returns all decisions to her daughter, Rinoa Aurora.

"If my heart is when Aunt Betha does that, as a mother I can also feel it. How is a mother's concern, but it all comes back to my child again, because she still feels such deep pain," continued Juliana.