Blitar Deportation Of Former Taiwanese Citizen, Former PMI Due To Overstay

BLITAR - Class II Immigration Office Non-TPI Blitar, East Java, deported one Taiwanese citizen who is also a former Indonesian migrant worker for exceeding the residence permit.

Head of the Class II Immigration Office Non TPI Blitar Arief Yudistira said the Taiwanese citizen had the initials CNC (62). He was previously a resident of Blitar Regency who married a Taiwanese.

"The person concerned came to Indonesia to visit a family domiciled in Kanigoro District, Blitar Regency," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

The implementation of deportation, he said, is an administrative act of immigration, as a form of immigration law enforcement in accordance with Article 78 Paragraph(3) of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration.

CNC is the holder of Visa on Arrival (VoA) issued at the Juanda International Airport Immigration Checkpoint (TPI) - Surabaya on June 11, 2023 with a validity period of July 10, 2023.

Two are known to have exceeded their stay permit in Indonesia for 134 days. In addition, from the deepening of the examination in addition to immigration violations, it was also found that the person concerned had an Indonesian population document in the form of an electronic KTP issued by the Blitar Regency Dispendukcapil Office with the initials W.

The CNC, who is also an Indonesian citizen, is known to have married a Taiwanese citizen, then chose to become a Taiwanese citizen in 2010.

His party then coordinated with the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in East Java and obtained the Head of the Immigration Division of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of East Java, to check the documents concerned.

"Furthermore, the Intelligence and Immigration Enforcement Section of the Blitar Immigration Office secured the document and followed up by coordinating with the Head of Population Registration of the Blitar Regency Dispendukcapil," he said.

This was also immediately responded to by the Blitar Regency Dispendukcapil to carry out the withdrawal of the e-KTP which was included by bringing a report on the withdrawal of population documents and then proposing the removal of the population administration system.

The next coordination was carried out with the Blitar Regency Bawaslu to anticipate CNC being included in the list of voters in the 2024 General Election.

"Blitar Regency Bawaslu welcomes and will follow up on this information," he said.

His party also appreciated the quick and responsive response from the Blitar Regency and Bawaslu Dispendukcapil Blitar Regency, so that the Blitar Regency Foreigner Supervisory Team (Timpora) was carried out.

"This is a form of inter-institutional synergy to make the 2024 General Election a success by creating a safe and orderly situation in the Blitar Regency area," he said.

In connection with the violation of CNC immigration which only exceeds the limit of its residence permit, Blitar Immigration has carried out a detention process in the Blitar Immigration Detention Room.

"Furthermore, the deportation process will be carried out, using the Cathay Pacific airline with flight number CX-780 on the Surabaya - Hong Kong route and followed by flight number CX-472 on the Hong Kong - Taipei route," he explained.

In the process of deporting the CNC, it was carried out by two personnel from the Class II Non-TPI Blitar Immigration Office to ensure that the CNC left Indonesian territory.