Hamas And Israel Highlight List Of People To Be Released Monday

JAKARTA - Israeli authorities and Palestinian militant group Hamas voiced concerns about the list of hostages and detainees both sides will release on Monday, the final day of the agreed battle break, an official familiar with the matter said.

Speaking anonymously, the official said Qatar was a mediator, seeking to establish communication with Israel and Hamas to resolve the issue and prevent delays.

Hamas said it wanted to extend the ceasefire. Meanwhile, Israel had previously offered to approve an additional one-day ceasefire for any additional 10 hostages released, as well as to release the number of Palestinian prisoners threefold every time they were released.

"There is a bit of a problem with today's list. Qatar is working with both sides to resolve it and avoid delays," the official said on the matter.

Earlier, Israel said it had received the final list of hostages scheduled to be released Monday. The list is under review, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said, adding it would provide further information if possible.

Since the deal began on Friday, Hamas has released 58 hostages, while the number of Palestinian prisoners released by Israel has reached 117.

As previously reported, Hamas said it intends to extend the ceasefire, while the Israeli Cabinet is aware of it and discussed it at a meeting on Sunday evening local time.

Separately, US President Joe Biden also expressed his hope for an extension of the ceasefire. He said the agreement reached between Israel and Hamas was "structured in such a way that it could be expanded to continue developing these results."

"That is our goal, to keep this pause even longer," President Biden said.

With the hope of Qatar and Egypt who also want an extension of the war gap in Gaza.

"What we hope is the momentum resulting from the release and from this four-day agreement, will allow us to extend the ceasefire by more than four days, and therefore conduct more serious discussions on the other hostages", Qatar Foreign Ministry Spokesman Majed Al-Ansari told CNN.