Otista Hospital Bandung Prepares 10 Special Rooms For Candidates To Fail For The 2024 Election

BANDUNG - Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Oto Iskandar Dinata (Otista), Soreang, Bandung Regency, West Java prepared 10 special rooms for legislative candidates whose mental disorders were due to failure in the 2024 General Election.

"If there is an election activity, we always prepare rooms and checkpoints for legislative candidates who experience stress after the election, especially for the losing candidates," said Mental Medicine Specialist at the Otista Hospital, Bandung Regency, dr. Marsudi, Sp. KJ(K) reported by ANTARA, Monday, November 27.

According to him, this special isolation room is to provide services to legislative candidates suffering from depression or mental disorders after receiving that he was not elected as a member of the legislature in the 2024 General Election.

Marsudi said that although in the 2019 Election no failed legislative candidates were admitted to the hospital, his party would continue to prepare the service for anticipation.

"We prepare this because some of the legislative candidates sometimes have some that he aspires to be elected, the hope is great, in reality he fails. Well, that's what we anticipate by preparing the room and the place of examination," he said.

In the 2024 General Election, his party has prepared 10 rooms and has increased from the previous election, which only five special rooms have been prepared.

"This is a step to anticipate who knows there are legislative candidates who have mental disorders. Because in the current general election, it seems that there are more participants than the previous election," he said.

In addition, he said, the hospital will also keep the identity of failed candidates who have mental disorders secret while undergoing treatment at the Otista Hospital, Bandung Regency.

Furthermore, Marsudi said that his party had also provided socialization before the legislative candidates registered to prepare mentally if they failed in the legislative election.

"We have given suggestions so that they do not experience disturbances after the election. For example, you have to relax a lot, exercise, don't be tense and have to socialize a lot too," said Marsudi.