East Jakarta City Government Claims To Have A Study On The Plan To Build A Health Center In RTH Kayu Putih Land
The East Jakarta City Government still insists on building a Puskesmas building on the Tanah Mas Green Open Space (RTH), RW 01, Kayu Putih Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta.
Although the construction that includes green open space has been rejected by local residents, the East Jakarta City Government will still build the puskesmas building.
"We have a study, if residents refuse, it's okay, but we have a study," said East Jakarta Mayor M Anwar to reporters, Monday, November 27.
M Anwar claimed that the plan to build the puskesmas would later be to serve health for residents around Kayu Putih.
"It can't be just one party rejecting it because of its interests. We think about the interests of many people," he said.
Meanwhile, the selection of locations on land owned by the DKI Provincial Government which is currently being used as green open spaces has also been taken into deep consideration and there are land limitations.
"If we transfer it to another location, it is far away. There is no land anymore, where else is the land? There are aesthetics, environment, studies, traffic, many studies," he said.
Reportedly, residents of Tanah Mas housing, RW 01, Kayu Putih Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta complained about the plan to build a Puskesmas in Tanah Mas Green Open Space (RTH).
All residents of RW 01 objected to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's plan for the construction of the Puskesmas project. The reason is, residents of RW 01 need more green open space in their area.
Residents of RW 01 also claimed that complaints about the rejection of the conversion of land for this park were also supported by 9 other RWs in Kayu Putih Village. The RWs that also support the residents of RW 01 are RW 03, 04, 05, 06, 10, 14, 15, 16 and RW 17.
"Residents have never rejected the construction of a health center but please not on green open space, not only green open space in Tanah Mas but in green open space anywhere, just don't," said Godham, one of the residents of RW 01 Tanah Mas Housing to reporters, Wednesday, November 22.
Godham assessed that the existence of green open space in the RW 01 area is very important for residents.