Reminding Israel Supporting Countries, President Erdogan: Before It's Too Late, Side with International Law

JAKARTA - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned countries supporting Israel to immediately side with international law, as the number of deaths and injuries due to the conflict in Gaza continues to increase.

President Erdogan said Western countries that side with Israel in its conflict with Palestine must refrain from participating in Israel's crimes.

"Before it is too late, the governments of countries that side with Israel must side with international law, human rights, conscience and morality, refrain from participating in this crime," President Erdogan told journalists upon his return from Algeria, quoted from TASS, November 23.

"We need to side with those who are oppressed and save them from the steps taken by the oppressors," President Erdogan continued.

The crisis in Gaza broke out after Hamas militants attacked the southern region of Israel on October 7. Around 1,200 people were killed and 240 others were taken hostage. This triggered a total blockade and attacks on Gaza, with Israel later carrying out ground operations in the Palestinian enclave.

The local media agency announced on Wednesday that the death toll had reached 14,532 people, including more than 6,000 children and 4,000 women, as quoted by Anadolu.

The office put the number of injured at more than 35,000 people, with more than 75 percent of them being children and women.

"We have been talking about the Holocaust for several days. Western society has not been able to stand the test, because it is a wrong part of history. The massacres in Bosnia and Kosovo were ignored and covered up. There is a shameful silence about Iraq and Syria." explained President Erdogan.

"This time is different," he continued.

"As you know, the governments of these countries chose to remain silent, but their people are now saying: 'Enough of these atrocities. Politicians who are deaf to these voices will soon get a democratic response from their own people," stressed President Erdogan.

If nothing changes, the release of hostages and detainees agreed upon by Hamas and Israel will begin today. This process will last for the next four days, followed by a ceasefire during that period.

President Erdogan said the Israeli-Palestinian conflict "must be seen from a humanitarian perspective and no one should differentiate between Muslims, Christians and Jews, as well as between people with different ethnic backgrounds."