East Jakarta Satpol PP Promises To Take Localization Of Prostitution On The Edge Of The Cakung Toll Road

East Jakarta Satpol PP has begun to respond to public complaints over the rampant practice of prostitution under the guise of a massage parlor on the East Side of the Toll Road, Pulogebang, Cakung District, East Jakarta.

"As soon as possible, we will be TL (follow up on public reports)," said Head of East Jakarta Satpol PP, Budhy Novian to VOI, Wednesday, November 22.

Budhy said that regarding the place of business that the public complained about was the authority of the Tourism Office.

"We will take action together with the integrated team to monitor and take action against business premises from the tourism sector," he said.

Previously, it was reported that there was a localization area for prostitution on the East Side of the Toll Road, Pulogebang, Cakung District, East Jakarta, which local residents complained about.

In particular, residents of Kampung Sawah Indah RT 001/RW 05 Pulogebang, Cakung District asked the East Jakarta City Government to immediately control the place of immorality under the guise of the massage parlor.

"Residents asked for the closure of prostitution (business) under the guise of a massage parlor, which was troubling. Previously, there were only one to two places, for a long time, there were around 15 massage parlors," said Head of Sawah Indah Village, Dasrizal, Wednesday, November 22.

Furthermore, Dasrizal said, the existence of plus-plus massage parlors has existed since 2005. But in the past, there were only 2 massage parlors. Over time, a massage parlor was established, bringing the number to three. Gradually, the number is increasing.