Amini's Speech Expert Who Calls Politics Must Prioritize Ethics

Political communication expert from Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga, agreed with the words of the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP, Puan Maharani, who said that politics must prioritize manners and ethics, when responding to the statement of Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Panjaitan who appealed not to label people with the designationplacement or traitor.

According to Jamiludin, Indonesia's current politics has clearly violated the law and ethics. This, he said, was shown by deviant behavior by public officials.

"For example, the Constitutional Court has determined the age limit for the presidential and vice presidential candidates. In the Constitutional Court's decision, it was stated that the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court had committed a serious ethical violation," said Jamiluddin in Jakarta, Tuesday, November 21.

Therefore, Jamiluddin considered it natural for the public to question the decision of the Constitutional Court. Because the Constitutional Court's decision was considered to benefit President Joko Widodo's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming, who had previously been predicted as a vice presidential candidate.

Jamiluddin also considered it natural for the public to worry that the implementation of the election would not be neutral. The reason is, Gibran's candidacy has also been marked by violations.

"So, in that context, of course it is very reasonable if the public thinks that the Constitutional Court's decision is in favor of Gibran, Jokowi's son. Justification like this is certainly very logical, because public assessment is based on the Constitutional Court's decision," he said.

For this reason, Jamiluddin assessed that public opinion regarding labeling such as 'traitors' could be social control over the behavior of the authorities.

" an opinion like this is actually needed to enforce social control from the people to their government so that it is not arbitrary in leading a beloved country," said Jamiluddin.

Previously, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Panjaitan commented on the political development in the country. He said it should not be easy to judge someone as a traitor.

The chairman of the PDIP DPP, Puan Maharani, responded to Luhut's statement. Puan said that politics must prioritize manners and ethics.

"Yes, Mr. Luhut has an opinion. I will not comment on Pak Luhut's opinion, but what is certain is that I always prioritize politics, it must be polite and ethical," said Puan, Monday, November 20.