KLHK Asks For Rehabilitation Support Of 600 Thousand Hectares Of Mangrove Land

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has asked for support and involvement of various organizations, institutions, ministries to local communities to help realize the target of mangrove rehabilitation in Indonesia of 600 thousand hectares by 2024.

The Director of Land and Mangrove Rehabilitation of the KLHK Inge Retnowati target is contained in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) number 120 of 2020 concerning the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM).

"There is a target of 600 thousand hectares of mangrove rehabilitation within the BRGM Presidential Decree and all are expected to receive support from ministries, institutions and organizations in the country and from various parties including local communities who must work together," said Inge in a discussion entitled "Mangrove blue carbon management for climate change mitigation" reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 21.

Presidential Decree number 120 of 2020 concerning the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency article five paragraph two states that the implementation of the acceleration of mangrove rehabilitation with a target of 600 thousand hectares covering the Provinces of North Sumatra, Riau Province, Riau Islands Province, Bangka Belitung Province, West Kalimantan Province, East Kalimantan Province, North Kalimantan Province, Papua Province, and West Papua Province.

He said the target would be an achievement that must be completed by ministries and institutions, especially the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, BRGM and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP).

Meanwhile, in the 2020-2024 National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN), he said, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has a target of 50 to 60 thousand mangrove land rehabilitation.

"In the 2020-2024 KLHK RPJMN, the KLHK targets 50 thousand to 60 hectares of mangrove rehabilitation and this is almost complete. And we will update this again," he said.

Based on KLHK Indonesia data, it has 3.39 million hectares of mangroves or the equivalent of 21 percent of the total mangrove forest in the world.

The provinces with the largest total mangrove forest are Papua which has mangrove land of more than 1 million hectares, followed by West Papua Province with 480 thousand hectares, and Riau with 227 thousand hectares.

In addition, if it is lined based on islands, Papua, Kalimantan, and Sumatra, it will become the largest contributor to the vast mangrove forest area in the country.