Here Are 13 Integrity Pact Points For Ijtima Ulama Requirements To Support AMIN

YOGYAKARTA Secretary of the Ijtima Ulama Ijtima Ulama 2023 Steering Committee, Aziz Yanuar, showed a letter containing 13 points of integrity pact for the requirements for Ijtima Ulama to support AMIN (Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar) in the 2024 presidential election.

The first point of the integrity pact states that the Anies-Muhaimin pair must maintain the unity and density of the Republic of Indonesia by being free from terrorism to separatism.

Aziz said the terms would be handed over by the Ijtima Ulama envoy to the AMIN pair this weekend.

He added that Ijtima Ulama would send five representatives to submit the integrity pact to AMIN.

"There are 5 people, including KH Muhyidin Junaedi, Habib Muhammad Alatas, and 3 others are still chosen from yesterday's ijtima participants," Aziz explained on Sunday, November 19, 2023.

It has been mentioned above that one of the points of the integrity pact states that the Anies-Muhaimin pair must maintain the unity and density of the Republic of Indonesia by being free from terrorism to separatism.

In more detail, here are the points of the integrity pact for the requirements for Ijtima Ulama to support AMIN:

1. Bersedia menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan NKRI yang berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 18 Agustus 1945 dari rongangan Sekulerisme, Islamophobia, Terrorism, Separatism, dan Imperialism.

2. Willing to carry out the mandate of TAP MPRS No. XXV 1966 concerning the Dissolution of PKI and the Prohibition of the Spread of Communism, Marxism and Leninism so that it is necessary to revoke Presidential Decree No. 17 of 2022 and Presidential Decree No. 4 of 2023 and Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2023, which positioned the perpetrators of the G 30 S/PKI rebellion as Victims of Serious Human Rights Violations in the 1965-1966 Incident. In fact, they were perpetrators of Serious Human Rights Violations in 1948 and throughout 1955 to 1965.

3. Willing to carry out the mandate of the Anti-Religiouscy Law as stipulated in Presidential Decree No. 1/PNPS/1965, which was later enacted into law through Law No. 5 of 1969 as outlined in the Criminal Code Article 156a, so that anyone who tarnishes any religion must be prosecuted, to transduce the recognized religious system in Indonesia from all forms of blasphemy and blasphemy of religion, including the buzzers who complain of religious sheep and the nation's dividers who are kept by the regime.

4. Willing to respect the position of Ulama and willing to obey the opinions of the Ulama in resolving problems related to the benefit of the life of the nation and state.

5. Bersedia melakukan Revolutionary Ahlak di semua sektor kehidupan untuk membangun bangsa yang berahlakul karimah demi menuju Indonesia bertakwa dan berkedukan dengan menjaga masyarakat dari rongongan ruangan gaya hidup serta paham-demi yang berlawan dengan kesusilaan dan norm-norma lainnya yang belaku di tengah masyarakat Indonesia seperti LGBTQ+, produkter, judi, minuman keras, obat, dan penyakit masyarakat lainnya, serta menjaminkan terselenggaranya secara keselenggaraan sistem Pendidikan nasional yang bertujuan meningkatkan kebendiman dan ketakwaan serta anaga aha Ahklaklak menjadikan kehi bangsa, serta menjaminkan tersediaannya anggaran yang memilihatnya masyara umum dan Pendidikan agama.

6. Bersedia mewujud mewujudkan kedaulatan ekonomi dengan menjaga kekayaan alam nasional serta berupaya serius mengembalikan aset negara, untuk dipergunakan sebesar-besarnya bagi kesejahan rakyat Indonesia, dan menjamin kehidupan yang layak bagi warga negara untuk mewujudkan kedaulatan pangan, sandang dan jatung, serta menjamin alokasi budgetaan yang memadai dan kemudahan akses untuk penyelenggaraan kesehatan rakyat dan menjaga kelayakan pelayan kesehatan baik pemerintah maupun swasta serta merevisi segala aturan terkait kesehatan agar sejalan dengan kepentingan rakyat.

7. Bersedia memperbaiki ekonomi dan tarat hidup rakyat miskin dengan membukaan lapangan pekerjaan sebanyak-asalnya bagi tenaga kerja dari Indonesia serta membatasi masuknya tenaga kerja asing ke Indonesia, bila dibutuhkan mendatangkan tenaga kerja asing hanya terbatas pada tenaga kerjaa ahli yang manfaatnya tidak tersedia di dalam negeri hanya untuk tujuan transfer of knowledge dengan waktu yang terbatas, serta mengadat ulang dan selanjutnya mengalangkan tenaga kerja asingan asinginya sudah melam batas ketentuan.

8 Willing to fight for Palestinian independence from Israeli Zionist occupation in accordance with the mandate of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution which states that colonialism at world level must be removed, and play an active role in maintaining world peace, as well as prohibiting the spread of zionism because it contains racist and fascist teachings of apartheid.

9. Bersedia menegakkan hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusi yang beradilan dan secara imparsial tanpa discriminasi, menjamin pemenuhan dan pemulihan hak para korban penyalahgunaan kekuatan oleh aparatur penegak hukum, serta tidak segan mengegakkan hukum terhadap oknum penegak hukum yang melelandai kekuatan.

10. Bersedia memberantas korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme tanpa pandang bulu, serta menjamin pengelolaan keuangan negara sebaik-baiknya tanpa utang yanguga-ugalan.

11. Willing to guarantee the fullness of association rights, gather and express opinions orally and in writing in accordance with the 1945 Constitution, as well as guarantee the protection of religious figures from all forms of criminalization.

12. Strengthen the Advocate profession to get equal and balanced treatment before the law with other law enforcers such as the Police, Prosecutors, and Judges in order to ensure the rights of justice-seeking communities who have been victims of unbalanced law enforcement, as well as implementing the Land Reform program to eradicate the land mafia.

13. If I violate all the clauses contained in this Integrity Pact, then I am willing to resign from my position.

This is information about the 13 points of the integrity pact for the requirements for Ijtima Ulama to support AMIN. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.