PM Netanyahu's War Cabinet Allows Two Fuel Trucks To Enter Gaza Every Day, Israeli Controversial Minister: No Use

JAKARTA - Israel's War Cabinet reportedly approved permits for two fuel transport trucks (BBM) entering the Gaza Strip every day, a move that was criticized by PM Benjamin Netanyahu's government minister.

An Israeli said the country had agreed to allow two fuel trucks for UN needs, water needs, and sewer systems.

Citing Reuters November 17, the War Cabinet (led by PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Benny Gantz) made the decision based on IDF and Shin Bet recommendations, at the request of US officials.

It said this action was intended "to allow the minimum maintenance necessary for water systems, sewers and sanitation to prevent a pandemic that could spread throughout the region, harm the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip as well as our own forces and potentially spread to Israel as well."

The official stressed the measure "will give Israel the space for diplomatic maneuvers needed to eliminate Hamas."

Israel will monitor the delivery of the fuel to ensure it does not fall to militant groups.

Separately, the decision drew criticism from Israel's controversial minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, saying Israel was taking the wrong policy.

"As long as our hostages don't get a visit from the Red Cross, there's no point in giving humanitarian gifts to the enemy," he said, as quoted by The Times of Israel.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said allowing fuel to enter "is a grave mistake and is against cabinet decisions".

Such action "suggests weaknesses, gives oxygen to the enemy and allows (Hamas Gaza Yahya leader) Sinwar to sit comfortably in his air-conditioned bunker, watch news and continue to manipulate Israeli society and the families of the kidnapping victims."

It is known, Ben Gvir has sparked controversy several times since holding his post. Earlier this year, his visit to the Al Aqsa Mosque Complex sparked criticism from within and outside the country. He also ordered the police to lower the Palestinian Flag in public spaces.

Earlier this week, he confirmed the need to crush Hamas, and get rid of anyone who supports Hamas, when interviewed by Channel 12, quoted from Anadolu.