Commemorating The National Hero From Lampung, Ahmad Hanafiah

JAKARTA - The Lust of Dutch colonialists wants to control Indonesia is opposed by the whole archipelago. All Indonesian people chose to defend their nation and country. They formed many resistance troops to form the TNI against the Dutch. KH Ahmad Hanafiah, let alone.

The independence fighter from Lampung did not want to be left behind. The famous cleric formed Laskar Hezbollah with his followers. Laskar Hezbollah then became his forum against the Dutch on the island of Sumatra to the last drop of blood.

Dutch colonizers never give up Indonesia's release. They often see the archipelago as mining money. Natural resources can generate coffers of income, while the people can be blackmailed like dairy cows.

The narrative made the Dutch come to ride a British ally shortly after Indonesia's independence. Fully armed military forces were involved. The goal is to control Indonesia a second time. The Netherlands understands very well that Indonesia is not ready in terms of funds and the military.

The combination was made by the Dutch with the banner of the Dutch East Indies Civil Government Army (NICA) confident that they could reclaim the archipelago. Far from fire. The terror test given to the Indonesian people did not spread.

Instead of the Indonesian people falling to their knees, they actually returned to fight back. Even with the mediocre weaponry. This courage is proof that all Indonesian people do not want to be colonized anymore. They also devoted themselves to building Laskar-laskar struggles throughout the country.

They wanted to be involved in helping the TNI, which at that time was old as corn. Independence fighter from Lampung, Ahmad Hanafiah, did not want to be left behind. He also formed the Hezbollah Laskar. The Laskar was formed to become an outbreak of Muslims Muhammadiyah to the Sarekat Islam Indonesia Party (PSII) devoted themselves to the Dutch.

The result was brilliant. The Dutch were furious at the resistance of the Indonesian people. The Gelora made the Dutch perpetuate large-scale military operations in 1947. Military Aggression I, his name.

Most of the armed groups scattered in these places are basically autonomous, and it is up to the commander whether to join or not with the regular army or with the laskar formed by political parties.

Many independent units chose to join the laskar of Islamic parties, in particular Hezbollah, and these non-regular soldiers were mainly active in the outskirts of Padang. Republican army command often tries to embrace laskar-laskar and other armed groups in its territory, but in the first months these efforts were unsuccessful, "explained Audrey R. Kahin in the book From Insurgency to Integration: West Sumatra and Indonesian politics 1926-1998 (2005).

Ahmad Hanafiah and Laskar Hezbollah were called against the Dutch power in Sumatra. The Revolutionary War in Military Aggression I was perpetuated like jihad. He no longer thinks about himself. This is because his entire body is like being donated to Indonesia's struggle for independence.

Laskar Hezbollah continued to fight the Dutch on the island of Sumatra. The Dutch are often troubled against Laskar Hezbollah. However, not always Dewi Fortuna is on the side of Laskar Hezbollah. In the battle in Kemarung for example.

At first, Laskar Hezbollah wanted to ambush the Dutch military in the Baturaja area, South Sumatra. They took the initiative to first rest in Kemarung. In fact, the plan to attack Laskar Hezbollah was leaked.

They were attacked by the Dutch first. Laskar Hezbollah, who was resting in a panic, was not a joke. They defended themselves with great difficulty. Many of Hezbollah's Laskar died.

Ahmad Hanafiah did not necessarily give up. He continued to perpetuate attacks. However, limited weapons and personnel made him lose. Ahmad Hanafiah was also arrested. Then, the famous cleric was executed by the Dutch so that the resistance movement in Sumatra dimmed.

Far from being burned. The killing of Ahmad Hanifiah turned into a kind of lubricant for fighters to defend Indonesia's independence. The resistance reverberated here and there to Indonesia's plenary independence.

A few decades later the Indonesian government appreciated Ahmad Hanafiah's struggle. The figure of the fighter from Lampung was given the title as a National Hero. The title was given plenaryly on November 10, 2023.

Many members of the Hezbollah Laskar died and laughed, including Ahmad Hanafiah, were successfully considered alive, then put in sacks and drowned in the Ogan River. The Dutch treated Ahmad Hanafiah like that because they knew the greatness of Ahmad Hanafiah who was immune to sharp weapons or firearms. Finally, doing it by cunning and cruel means.

"This is where the Hero died, martyred to defend Indonesia's independence, especially in Lampung. The Dutch Military Aggression I incident which lasted for several years in several parts of Indonesia and in South Sumatra was finally able to stop after an agreement between Indonesia and the Dutch that occurred in 1947," explained Johan Setiawan and Aman in his writings in the Historia Journal entitled KH Ahmad Hanafiah: Indonesian Independence Fighters From Lampung Residence (2018).