Swelling Feet And Arm, Recognize 10 Causes Of Edema

YOGYAKARTA Edema is a medical term to mention swelling. Usually, body parts swell due to injury or inflammation. Edemas, triggered by a number of causes, include people undergoing certain treatments, pregnancy, infection, and other medical problems.

The swelling in the legs, legs, and ankles is called the peripheral edema. This is due to problems with the blood circulation system, lymph nodes, and kidneys. If the swelling occurs due to the fluid gathers in the legs and lower leg, it is called the edema pedal. This causes the sufferer to find it difficult to move because the leg feels numb or numb.

In addition to the two types of edema above, there are other types. First, lymphadema, namely swelling of the arms and legs caused by damage to the lymph nodes. Damage to the lymph nodes, may be caused by cancer treatment such as surgery and radiation. In addition to making the legs and arms swollen, other types of EDDEMs also attack the lungs which make it difficult for you to breathe, fast heart rate, feel dizzy, and foamy rocks.

Furthermore, the brain's eedema is because the fluid accumulates in the brain due to a hard impact, blood vessels are clogged or ruptured, or suffer from tumors or allergic reactions. Subsequent type of Edema also occurs in the eyes, when the fluid accumulates in the middle of the retina.

In some cases, the emeda is caused by infection. It could also be due to unexpected things, such as bee stings or sprained legs. More fluids from your blood vessels cause more white blood cells to fight infection in swollen areas. More details, here are the factors that cause swelling including the legs and arms.

Doctors call it hypoalbuminemia, which is an albumin and other proteins in the blood that act like sponges don't work well to keep fluids in the blood vessels. Low albums can cause an eddy even though this isn't the only cause.

The Edema is part of most allergic reactions. In response to allergens, nearby blood vessels secrete fluids into the affected area.

If the fluid drainage of a body is clogged, the fluid can rise again. Launching WebMD, Friday, November 17, blood clots in the blood vessels in the feet can cause an ankle eddy. Tumors that block blood flow or other fluids called lymph can also cause an eddy.

Burns, life-threatening infections, or other critical diseases can cause reactions that allow fluids to seep into tissue. This can cause a worldwide dieme.

When the heart weakens and pumping the blood less effectively, the fluid piles up slowly and causes an eedemic in the legs. If the fluid accumulates quickly, it can cause a buildup of fluid in the lungs. If heart failure occurs on the right side of the heart, the edema can occur in the stomach.

Severe liver disease, such as cirrhosis can withstand fluids. Sirosis also causes low levels of albumin and other proteins in the blood. Fluid leaks into the stomach can also cause a leg eddy.

Called nephrotic syndrome, is a kidney condition that can cause severe leg eedemas and sometimes occur throughout the body.

Swelling feet during pregnancy are common. However, serious pregnancy complications, such as deep vein thrombosis and preeclampsia can also lead to eddys.

When the head is injured, or something else that occurs in the head such as low blood sodium, height, brain tumor, and filling of the fluid in the brain can cause a cerebral eidem. This condition is also followed by symptoms of headaches, confusion, unconsciousness, and coma.

Certain drugs can cause edies. These drugs include ibuprofen, naproxen, a drug that inhibits calcium channels, corticosteroid drugs, pioglitazon, rosiglitazon, and pramipexole.

The ten causes of the above eddy need to be addressed in the right way according to the trigger. If the swelling is followed by other symptoms, it is advisable to check with a doctor.