Three Figures Of Leaking Trigger At The Constitutional Court Sued Trillion Of Rupiah, Here's The Reason
JAKARTA A group of residents of Central Java filed a lawsuit against three figures who are currently offline in various online media and social media. They are Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Anwar Usman and UNSA students Almas Tsaqibbirru. They were sued with a value of up to trillions of rupiah.
The lawsuit against Gibran and Almas was filed by Ariyono Lestari, who is an alumnus of the Sebelas Maret State University (UNS). The lawsuit was filed online. In the lawsuit Almas was the defendant one, and Gibran Rakabuming Raka was two defendants.
In the lawsuit, Almas is said to have taken the name of the Surakarta State University. According to him, it is not UNSA, but UNS.
"Because in the material test conducted by Almas, there was a hoax or deception that he was a student at the Surakarta State University, even though he didn't exist. There was a Surakarta University or abbreviated as UNSA," said Andhika Dian Prasetyo, the plaintiff's attorney, at the Solo District Court on Monday, November 13.
Although the application letter and lawsuit have been revised, it does not include Almas from the Surakarta State University. However, according to Andhika, there are legal flaws.
"That's in the material review lawsuit, the initial one. On the now-day Constitutional Court website, it may have been changed. But it shouldn't be like that," he said.
Meanwhile, regarding his lawsuit against Gibran, he said that the Constitutional Court's decision regarding case number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 was very beneficial for President Jokowi's eldest son to run as Vice President.
"With the Constitutional Court's decision, as covered by the media, and experts from politics, and legal experts, Gibran greatly benefited from the decision. We ask the KPU to postpone or cancel Gibran's candidacy," he said.
He considered Ariyono's basis for suing because the Constitutional Court's decision was considered to provide a smooth way in the nomination of the presidential and vice presidential candidates. So that democracy in Indonesia has resigned.
The plaintiff's team who named themselves GIBRAN (Giliran aset) concluded that the defendants should replace each citizen in the amount of Rp. 1 million multiplied by all the number of permanent voters for the 2024 General Election, which is 204,807,222 people, bringing the total to Rp. 204,807,222,000,000.
The compensation is given to related institutions as an education budget for all citizens to get enlightenment about good citizenship science.
Meanwhile in Jakarta, a group of Banyumas residents, Central Java sued former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Anwar Usman who is also Gibran's uncle. Anwar is considered to have acted against the law (PMH). The lawsuit was filed through the Central Jakarta District Court.
The plaintiff consisted of 5 advocates, 5 law students, 2 advocate candidates and 1 author. They came accompanied by 18 alumni advocates Unsoed Purwokerto to demand that Anwar Usman resign from the judges of the Constitutional Court.
Aan Rohaeni, lawyer and plaintiff spokesman, said the lawsuit had been filed on Monday (13/11/2023) with case number: 756/Pdt.G/2023/PN Jkt.Pst.
"The reason for the lawsuit is that the dignity of the Constitutional Court remains upright. As an independent and independent judicial institution from any party's interference," Aan said in a press release, Monday.
In addition, Anwar was also asked to consciously resign from the constitutional judge after being sentenced to severe sanctions by the MKMK.
"The lawsuit filed by the plaintiffs has a single goal so that Anwar Usman chivalrally immediately resigns from his position as Constitutional Justice of the Constitutional Court. For the sake of the nation and state, as well as to avoid horizontal and vertical conflicts after the 2024 election," said Aan.